page twenty-one;

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"Cristiano wake up." Nicolette's voice rang in my ears.

"I'm up. I'm up." I opened my eyes.

"can you go get me some Starbucks?" She asked.

"you woke me up so I can go on a coffee run for you?" I asked.

"Yeah, if you don't mind." She smiled.

"unbelievable." I murmured getting up from my seat.

"thank you." She said from behind me as I walked out the room. Why couldn't she get coffee from the hospital cafeteria. Starbucks weren't even that good, it was just regular coffee that were expensive.

As I walked out I notice that Irina's car was parked in front of the hospital, which was strange because usually you were supposed to be parked in the parking lot, that spot was only made for emergencies and ambulances. she seemed to be in a heated conversation with Nicolette's friend Julie.

My curiosity got the best of me and I made my way over to them. irina was throwing her hands in the air and usually when she did that she was angry. I wonder what they could be talking about.

"irina, just admit it. You poisoned Nicolas."

"so what, what if I did? what are you going to do? go tell Cristiano? Who is he going to believe, you or me? some strange girl or his beautiful loving fiancé?" Irina asked.

"wait- you did what?" I barely managed to let out.

They both turned to face me. Irina had horror written all over her face. "yeah you heard Cristiano. You're little doll of a girlfriend here tried to kill your son."

"you did that? why- why would you even do such a thing?" I tried to search her face for an explanation.

"she's the problem, she came here and ruined my life and took you away from me." Irina snarled. "That girl came here with her son. I was supposed to give birth to your first born son not her. We were supposed to be a family together and live happily ever after and she ruined that."

"it's over, I don't ever want to see you ever again and I'm filing a law suit against you for poisoning my son. you should of thought twice about your actions irina. You hurt an innocent boy for your own childish personal gain. you could of killed him. get out of my sight." I hissed.

"good riddanc." Julie said.

"please Cristiano, I love you. It was all her fault, that girl. She came and ruined open at we had. I didn't want to do it to him but I had no other choice." Irina pleaded.,

"leave and I want all your stuff gone from my house by the time I get back"

She looked truly horrified going into her car. she had no idea what kind if problems that she had created. Her car sped away from the hospital. I watched it go till it was only a little dot.

"I'm sorry cristiano, she must be mental to do something like that." Julie stood beside me. "come on inside."

I didn't know how I felt. The woman I've been with for 5 years tried to hurt my only child. I was filled with anger and rage and I wanted nothing more than pure misery to happen to irina for causing Nicolas such pains. I walked back inside the hospital. My head stood still, my heart thumped and my hands shook.

Nicolette was seated on the chair biting her nails. I watched her and I hadn't realized that tears were coming out of my eyes till Nicolette rushed from her seat and hugged me. I hugged her back tightly, it wasn't everyday that your longtime partner wanted your child dead and how could actually cope with that feeling.

I cupped her face with my hands and looked at her mesmerized by her eyes before crashing my lips onto hers. Maybe I was into the moment, maybe I had some crazy feelings underneath but I couldn't stop myself from kissing her. I kissed her harder than I could. everything was blurred out, no irina, no crazy news, no Sergio, nothing to ruin us. It was just us two.


Timeless // C. RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now