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They quickly got on top of the wall but the colossal titan was nowhere to be seen anymore.

"Just like 5 years ago... It vanished." Marie thought.

"What are you doing?! The contingency plan for the Colossal titan has already begun!" One of the captains said as he got on top of the walls. "Get to HQ. Anyone who has made contact with it, don't forget to report!"


They all got to HQ but it was complete chaos. Everyone was preparing for battle and some were crying due to being afraid.

Armin was re-filling his gas tank but he was shaking like crazy.  He started talking about all the possibilities that could happen.

"Armin! Calm down. Things are different now. Humanity won't be defeated by the titans!" Eren grabbed Armin's wrist.

"I'm sorry... I'm alright." Armin said shakily.

Eren ran the other way for supplies with Mikasa following him.

Marie then put her hand on Armin's shoulder.

"It will be okay, Armin. We've trained for three years... Don't think that those three years were for nothing." Marie signed.

"Y-You're right. I'm sorry." 

Once everyone had the supplies they needed to go to the HQ for further information on what to do.

"Just follow your training! Split into groups! Under the Garissons orders, You'll resupply combatants, relay orders, and kill titans!" Captain Kitz Woermann shouted. "Garrison intercept forces will form the vanguard! Trainees, led by the supply team, will comprise the middle guard! The Garrison's elite forces will form the rearguard! The outer gate has been destroyed, meaning that the Armored titan may appear at any time, to destroy the inner gate! Fight till your last breath! Dismissed!"

With that, pure chaos started... Some were crying... Others were vomiting of fear... It was a frightening sight to see for everyone. Marie and Mikasa were on the same team until someone came to Marie.

"Marie, You've been moved to the rearguard. Follow me. Mikasa comes as well." Marie's new captain from the rearguard said.

"Shit, I can't say anything to him since he doesn't know sign language..."  Marie thought. "I don't have enough time to write things down now."

"Hey! say something! This isn't the time to fool around!" The captain said.

Marie started to panic but Mikasa luckily came right on time.

"Sir, She's unable to speak. She speaks through sign language instead that I can understand." Mikasa said.

"Tch. You might have been number one with Mikasa but it's an absolute drag that you can't speak." The captain said annoyed.

After some issues, they left to support the evacuation.

Marie and Mikasa were walking down the street towards the evacuating civilians until Marie heard a scream whose voice sounded familiar.

"Mikasa. Did you hear that? I could hear Armin's voice... He was screaming."

"I thought I heard something but I don't know. I couldn't hear it clearly." Mikasa said as she was already turned around to where Armin's voice came from. "I don't know if it was Armin but I just got a weird little feeling."

"I'm quite sure that it was Armin... I could almost hear it clearly."

"Your hearing is better than mine. I hope it isn't because then something has happened to them and Eren as well..." Mikasa said as she turned back around and held her scarf.

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