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If you wanted smut, all aboard the sex express.
I'm sorry that was stupid. Enjoy.

"Harry what are you doing?" Peter asked as Harry was groping him.

"What? I wanna, fu- *hiccup* sex." He yells and slurs his words, maybe day drinking wasn't the smartest thing the college students thought of.
"Harry, you're drunk and I'm sure your girlfriend wouldn't like it if you had sex with someone else. I'm not a girl either." He rolls his eyes at how annoying his friend was.

"She dumped me, that's why I wanted to drink." He sobered up quickly.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Peter frowns, he didn't even know.

"And I know you're gay, I just wanna release the stress, you know."

"I'm not a stress reliever, it doesn't matter if I'm gay. I don't want to have sex with you." Peter gets angry and let's go of him, watching as Harry falls to the floor.

"Damn, dumped twice. My life sucks." Harry starts to cry.

"Dude, stop thinking about sex all the time, maybe that's why she dumped you."

"Whatever you don't even know what it feels like, mr. virgin!" He yells loudly. A few people at the bar look over at them, and Peter regrets not drinking at the dorm.

"Shut up, the world doesn't need to know that."

"Yeah, you're a virgin! You never experienced the magic of sex, I wanna get laid again." He was back to speaking sloppy.

"I'm gonna leave you here, maybe you'll get lucky." Peter walks out without another word.

He walks down the street, his spidey sense told him danger and he looks around to see a car flying through the air, crashing in the road. Thankfully no one was inside.
"Oh man." He runs into an alley and changed into his suit.

Spider-Man stood on top of a building and looked for what threw the car.
It was doc ock, he escaped jail and was now terrorizing the city.

"Sup doc, I don't think you are excepting new patients at this time." He webs up two of his mechanical legs.

"Spider-Man, why do you always have to ruin my fun?" He breaks the webs easily.

"Because you're destroying the city and hurting people." He shot web in his face, blinding him temporarily. He lands a few blows to his body until a robot arm grabs him and throws him.

"I'm going to end you once and for all, then no one will be able to stop me." He laughs.

Just then a bullet hits his robot arm, ricocheting and hitting his leg. "Ahhh! Who, who shot me?"

"Hiya, friendly neighborhood psychopath here."

"Another freak in tights." Doc ock groans in pain.

"Actually it's Kevlar and leather, fashion and functional." He shot at him again but he dodged the bullets.

"Deadpool, get out of here. I got this." Said Spider-Man as he jumps back into action.

"I can help. Watch this." His bullets fly hitting metal and bouncing off, striking buildings and cars.

"Stop you lunatic, you could kill someone. You stay here I'll handle him."
Spider-Man wraps webs around the metal legs, slamming him to the ground, with an added shock value to his webs he sends the voltage of 20,000 watts through docs body, rendering him unconscious.

"Wow, another day is saved thanks to Spider-Man." Deadpool claps.

"I don't need your sarcasm." He leaps down the building and disappeared.

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