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Another request, enjoy.

Peter stood in the mirror, looking at his body; the scars on his chest still healing. His chest still felt lumpy but it was probably just in his head, but what if other people could see it?
He looks at his binder contemplating on putting it on.
"No, the doctor said not to wear it while I'm still healing, I could bruise my ribs." He spoke to the room.
He looks down at his pants, the lack of bulge was disheartening. He gets one of his packers and fits it into his boxers.
A smile slowly filled peters face, one day it would be real, but that would take time and money.

Since he changed colleges no one calls him by his dead name anymore, it felt good to have people call him Peter instead of,
"Patricia parker, is that you?" He flinched but kept walking, not wanting to talk to that person.
"Oh come on I know it's you." They walk faster and caught up to him.
"Hey." Peter gets turned around and faces someone from his past.
"It's not nice to ignore someone." Eugene Thompson aka flash towered over him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were talking to me." His voice was deeper thanks to taking T.

"You're Patricia parker right?"

"No, I'm not. Do I look like a woman?"

"It's been a few years, but I heard Patricia came out as trans when she went to college. Heard she also changed college because people found out."

"I'm not Patricia, sorry but I don't know you or who you're talking about. Now excuse me but I have to get to class." He walks around the bully but gets pushed into the wall.
"Did I say you could leave?"

"You think we're still in high school dude? I'm not scared of you, leave me alone." He pushed him backwards making him fall.
"Don't mess with me dude, I don't pull my punches." Peter sneered at him and went to class.

"You're gonna wish you never met me." Flash yelled.

"Looks like my wish didn't come true." Peter yells back as he continues to walk away.
"Dang it, why him of all people, and why did he come to this college? What if he finds out who I used to be and tells people? I'm doomed." He worried the whole day that flash was going to find him and find out his secret.

At lunch peter sat by himself, he didn't eat much, anxiety took away his appetite.
"Hey, mind if I sit here." Said a strange guy with his hood up.

"No, go ahead." Peter answered. He sits in front of Peter, only looking down at his food.

"I found you again." Flash walks up, with two other people this time.

"Please go away, I don't know and don't want to know you." Peter tries to eat his food.

"I know you're Patricia parker, I haven't found out for sure but I know who you are."

"No you don't. And even if I was this person, what's it to you? What do you gain from knowing who I am?"

"Nothing, but if you want to pretend to be a guy, then I'll treat you like one." He slams his fist on the table.

"Wow, you're so cool, being a bully at your age, daddy still doesn't love you I bet." The hooded stranger said.

"What did you say? You wanna fight?" Flash turned to the guy and takes his food, throwing it on the ground.
His hood flys off his head as he lunged and punched flash so hard he fell back and rolled.
Peter caught his eyes for a second before the hood was back on.
"It's on now." Said flashes friend. People at the surrounding tables move out of the way as they fight, the other friend turns to peter.
"Trust me, you don't want to fight me." Said Peter.

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