One bed pt2

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"Are you enjoying the meal?" The waitress asked.
The two muffle a yes, with mouths full of food it was hard to talk.
She smiles at them then walks away.
Peter hums with delight at the taste, "why do they always come over when food is our mouths?"

"So that we can't ask for anything, and they don't have to do work." Wade answered.

"That's just lazy, they're at work."

"Who cares, food is good and we don't get bothered every minute." Wade shoveled more food into his mouth.

"You're right. But can you eat with manners?" He said with slight discomfort at watching wade eat like a pig.

"Sorry." He whips his face with a napkin and took smaller bites of his burger.

After eating and paying the check, Wade took peter to the park for a walk and look at the scenery.
"I don't come to the park very often, it's so nice here."

"Yeah, the hobos must have found somewhere else to go." Wade giggles.

"Wade, why do you always have something rude to say?"

"Because it's funny, I'd never say anything rude to you though." He held his hand gently, "you're my baby boy."
Peter blushed brightly and looks away, but he held on to Wade's hand tighter.
"You're so cute, it makes me want to tease you more."

"Stop it, not in public."

"Why? It's more fun in public."

"It's indecent, and I'm not into people watching me."

"Are you sure? You weren't into guys a few weeks ago, and now you're dating me. There could be plenty of secrets even you don't know about yourself."

"No, stop it." He plants his feet to the ground and let's go of Wade's hand to fold his arms across his chest. Making his statement very clear.

"Okay, I won't say anything else, until we get back to the dorm." Wade promised.

"Good." He takes Wade's hand and continue to walk around.
After a little while they went back to the dorm, Wade insisted he picks Peter up like a Princess and carry him through the door.
"Wade you're so embarrassing." He blushed softly.

"But it's funny, and you look cute."

"I'm not cute, now put me down."

"Just hold on. Put your arms around my neck." Peter listened to him and did what he instructed, Wade then drops his legs but quickly holds him under his butt as his legs go around Wade's waist.
Peter was pressed against the wall before he had time to process what was happening.

A small moan escaped him and wade smirks devilishly at him.
"Peter, tell me your secrets." He whispered in his ear, blowing warm air as well and it made him shiver with excitement.
"I don't have any secrets."

"We all do, tell me what you want me to do." His lips were dangerously close to peters neck, enticing him to make a sound.
"Kiss me."
Blue eyes meet brown, "kiss you where?"
"On the lips."

They lean close and passionately make out, tongues dancing together intimately.
Peter moans softly and wade let's out a growl as he pressed his pelvis into peters.


"My pants are starting to hurt me."

"Then let's take them off." Still in his arms, peter is taken to the bed and laid down gently.
"Nice and slow." Wade takes peters pants off, then his underwear.
He took his shirt off too and kissed all over his chest, flicking his tongue over sensitive nipples.
He continued to kiss down peters body, making his way to his throbbing cock.

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