𝙲𝚑.2- 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚁𝚎𝚓𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗

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~Rachel's POV~

After the drama of this morning's breakfast, I quickly washed all the plates, swept the floor, and arranged the place.  After I was done, I was super stressed but i couldn't sleep because I had school in another...

10 Minutes!!

Crap, I'm going to be late for school. I'm not allowed to eat breakfast, so I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out. School was about a 5 minute drive, but my pack would never dare to let me drive. So I guess we're walking today.... again. Ugh.

I went to Starlight High, "a school for all". Such bull. Everyone at this school was a werewolf, except for the small group of humans. When it came to the hierarchy of status at our school was: your either popular, average, or a weirdo. Of course I was a weirdo, that's what I was labeled as.

But that made the abuse get worse at school. All I wanted to do was get through these 8 cruel hours and go back to my room in the attic.

As I start to approach school, I start to see the groups of kids I dread to see everyday. Most of them being the popular socialites of the school. I see Chase talking with his close friend Alex, the Gamma. And next to them is a few other people and then, Hannah. She's wearing almost nothing as usual. I don't get it, we go to a school, not a night club.

And with their arm around Hannah is the soon to be Alpha, Hunter Blare.

No words can describe how amazing he looks. A muscular man, with plump kissable lips, wavy brown hair that you just want to run your fingers throu-, stop. I then remember that even though he is beautiful, his personality is anything but. He's such a player. He changes girls like he changes clothes. And his ego is so big, im suprised it fits in his body. He's my sisters boyfriend but they aren't mates. But they are made for each other.

I feel really bad for whoever is his mate.

I try to pass by them without getting noticed, because they are standing right in front of the entrance. Keyword: Try.

"Hey guys, look. It's the freak." I tried to walk faster to my locker, but the torment just got louder.

"Why don't you do everyone a favor go die in a hole. No wants you here." Said one of my many tormentors. Then a bunch of laughs erupted from the small crowd that had formed.

At this point, I found myself almost agreeing with him. I Why don't I just go die already, meet my parents, and be free from this hell? This isn't the first time I had these thoughts. Other than my bruises and scars, hides the cuts on my wrists. I only do it when I'm alone in the attic, it's why i only wear long sleeve.  If people in my pack found out,, they would just use it to make fun of me. Sometimes it just gets to much. I just want my life to end, This H**l.

So as the group continued to make comments on my appearance and giggle away, I speed walked away from them and ran towards my locker. As I put in my code for my locker,  I had stuck my head in there and released a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in.

"Hey Rach, you good?" I look up to see my best friend, Maddie. Maddie was my only friend in fact. She would stick up for me, help me with some of my hardest chores, and was just genuinely nice to me.  I really don't deserve her.

"Yeah, I just had a small issue with Chase this morning and a little confrontation with the 'Socs'." (Short for Socialites)

"Ugh, I really hate them. Especially Hunter Blare, did you know that today is his birthday? Girls are going to go after him to see if they are his mate. So sad. He's probably gonna through a party and sleep with a bunch of different girls. Its disgusting, who does he think he is? He thinks that he rules the school. I just wish the moon goddess would show him that he ain't crap." Maddie said to me full of annoyance. "Yeah, I kn-"


The first bell rang, meaning school is about to begin. My first class is AP Physics. Ugh, I don't understand how you can torture a person like this .




As the day went on, I had only gotten through half of the day? HOW?! Was time going longer to smite me? But the good thing about this was lunch.

As I open the doors to the lunch room, I smelt the most heavenly aroma. It smelt like Fresh Rain and Peppermint. I put my head down, but continued to follow the smell but was stopped due to hitting a wall.

Wait, when did a wall have muscles?

I look up to see Hunter, future Alpha of the Amazon Pack.

As soon as our eyes made contact with each other, I saw his eyes turn from love and lust to disgust and hate. I already knew what was coming, but I could get myself ready to take it.

"What the actual h**l?
Why would the moon goddess mate me with a ugly mutt like you? Your nothing but a hideous, fat, and plain wolf. I can't rule with someone like you, it would be the ultimate disgrace. I, Hunter Blare, reject you, Rachel Daniels, as my mate and my future Luna. Who would ever want a freak like you as a mate?"

I immediately collapse on the floor holding my chest. I couldn't fathom what had just happened. He rejected me, the one person who was destined to be with me didn't want me. And the pain that came along with is was even worse than all my beatings combined. What did I have left to live for now?

I look up to see Hunter laughing and then turn around to kiss my sister Hannah. He picked her. Why wouldn't he? She was the epitome of beauty, how could I compete with someone like her?

As I was standing up looking around me, seeing some laugh, some looking with sympathy and some not caring. All I wanted to do was run, but I know I couldn't manage the pain that would remain if I didn't let him go as well. So I stood up proudly and said,

"I, Rachel Daniels, accept your rejection as your mate and as this pack's future Luna."

Everyone stopped and turned to me, staring with unbelief at what I just did. I had never spoke up against authority before. Feels nice, I guess. I couldn't help but notice Hunter glaring at me, with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

But do I care, no. You made your bed, now lie in it.

Before he could say anything in response, I ran out of the room knowing I couldn't go through this anymore. I had two choices. Die or Run Away. I might as well run away, I won't give them the satisfaction of my death. This would be the end between me and the Amazon pack. But I would be back, and when I do, they will regret it.

Hey guys, completed another chapter. Writing is hard sometimes, you know?
Yall have an amazing day and thanks for reading my story ❤

Comment if you like pineapple on pizza 🍕? 》

Rejected But Not Forgotten (Discontinued ) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara