28. A Good Life

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A couple of weeks after my baby bump showed up, Dick and I started telling people. The only people who we told in person would be my sister and her husband, Dick's brothers, Bruce and his betrothed, and Alfred. The rest of the world knew from the picture of me that Dick posted on his Instagram.

People reacted well, fortunately.

My relationship with Dick had gotten better. He treated me so well that it was really freaking hard to be mad at him. He spent a lot of time being with me. 

Eventually, people started asking what the gender would be, which Dick answered simply by saying, "So far, we're considering the baby as non binary at least until they 'come out' of their mother's body," with a proud grin. Or something similar, like, "We can't out our baby, the baby have to come out as the baby want. We're not all dicks."

I didn't really know what he meant by the last sentence, but, I kind of enjoyed how people reacted every time Dick said something like that.

Dick and I talked about the previous situation finally after I started my third trimester. We got closer again without the awkward and uncomfortable feelings. Dick's handsiness got worse as if he couldn't get his hands to himself.

Even in public like that one time. First of all, we were at the beach and kids were around. Second of all, my body hadn't been feeling so great lately. Sure, getting touched felt good, but, not all kinds of touch and Dick seemed to have a hard time understanding that.

I wanted to lie down on my stomach so bad, but, I couldn't do that because it felt so uncomfortable and it had been months it almost drove me insane. My back had been hurting and my muscle rarely wanted to cooperate to help me stand up from sitting down. Neck pain made me feel like a student.

However, by the end of the day, Dick was still Dick and he made sure that I would get a good night sleep. He always made sure that I got everything that I needed, including whatever cravings I got at two in the morning. He always made sure that I would be okay.

Rachel had a thing to bond with with my sister now. They now in fact became a part of the older sister club, which I couldn't relate to. Rachel couldn't wait.

The girl had been very specifically around and excited. She went with us every time we got ultrasound. She helped us pick out some stuff for the baby. She suggested a lot of names, but, we told her that we couldn't choose any yet. However, Dick and I had agreed of a middle name.

Then, came today.

At dawn, I woke up in pain. I timed the contraction occurance and it started getting longer and more often. So, when the sunshine started cracking a path underneath the window, I brought myself to sit by the edge of the bed with a barely held in whimper and that woke Dick up.

"Are you okay?" Dick asked.

"I think we should call the midwife," I answered, trying to keep it together.

Dick didn't answer right away, probably still confused of being awake in a sudden this early in the morning.

"Right now?" Dick asked.

"You think?!" I hissed.

Dick literally jumped off the bed and grabbed his phone before he sat himself behind me. One of his arms caged my abdomen while the other fiddling with his phone.

After getting in contact with the midwife and got the situation cleared, the midwife finally said that she was on her way.

"Do you want anything? Something to drink?" Dick offered. "Or something to eat?"

"I don't know. Water should be nice," I said. "I should probably have a shower or something, too."

I would not be giving birth without having the cleanest shower I'd ever have in my life. Why? Because I might not be able to have a nice shower for quite a while after giving birth.

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