13. Supposedly a Good Day

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"Roman! My tooth fell out again!" Rachel cheered through the phone.

"Wow, congratulations, sweetie," I replied as excited.

"I also fell off a bike!" Rachel added.

"Oh, no. Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm okay," Rachel shrugged off. "It hurts at first, but, I'm strong. The doctor said so himself."

"The doctor? You need to go to the doctor?" I gasped.

"Yeah," Rachel casually said. "He stitched my arm, but, I cried just a little bit, so, it doesn't count."

"Wow, you're so brave," I said. "And strong. Also, you're going to have a new tooth and you'll look prettier than ever."

"I know," Rachel proudly said.

I chuckled.

"Also, uncle Damian adopted another dog. It's a huge dog. A newfoundland. We name him Cockroach, but, we call him Roach because it sounds like Rachel. He's cute," Rachel taled.

"Wow. He must be as cute as you," I hummed.

Rachel giggled.

"You know, we're going to beach next Saturday. Will you come with? Please?" Rachel slowly said. "There's gonna be me, dad, aunt Cass, uncle Jay, uncle Tim, and uncle Damian. And you. And Roach."

Sounded like a family vacation.

"I'll think about it," I promised.

"Please?" Rachel said even slower.

"I'll think about it, sweetie, don't worry," I repeated.

"Okay," Rachel decided. "See you soon, Roman."

Then, Rachel hung up the call.

That night, Nightwing knocked on my balcony door. It became a routine at some point that he would visit every time he had to patrol around this area. That would be why I kept boxed chocolate milk in a basket that I left on my balcony table. Alongside some chips and bottled water.

When I got to the balcony, Dick had already leaned to the balcony railing, drinking some water.

"Thank you for the water," Dick said.

"Hey, it's all yours by right for keeping this place safe," I replied. "The least I could do."

"You've done a lot by being such a good person, especially to my daughter," Dick said.


"Ssh," Dick hissed. "Just nod."

"Okay," I said before nodding once.

"Great," Dick commented. "By the way, she told you about the beach?"

"Yeah, she did," I confirmed.

"So, are you going to--"

"It's... it's you and your siblings. It's a family vacation. I shouldn't interfere," I rambled.

"Nonsense. My siblings won't care if you come. In fact, I'm sure they'll be thrilled," Dick responded.

"Are you sure?" I sighed. "You guys really need some vacation, you know. Like, you have your day job, you have this job, too."

"The more the merrier," Dick opened  one palm in the air and the other hand holding up a water bottle. "Besides, you haven't really meet Tim and Cass. Specially Cass, who keeps asking about you."

"Oh, my God," I hummed.

"Maybe Brooklyn and her kids should come, too," Dick said.

"I mean, I'd love her to go out, but, I doubted she would even consider it," I shrugged.

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