8. Good Job

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We ended up setting the main hall open with a tent extended to it as the main venue. We still had the red carpet rolling from the main entrance because there would be where the big people came from. We also made the seniors walked on the red carpet, as requested by the king of Gotham.

They seemed happy to do that. Especially Miss Hansen, who walked hand in hand with Jason Todd. Gosh, that seventy eight year old woman couldn't get enought of the men, huh?

Miss Hansen wasn't the only one. In fact, most of the Waynes walked through the red carpet with a senior. Bruce Wayne walked in with four ladies, as he used to do in the past before he tied a knot with Miss Kyle. Dick Grayson rolled a lady in a wheelchair, also Mr. Jackson who walked with Rachel Grayson. Tim Drake and Damian Wayne flowed behind them, with their own ladies.

Then, came Miss Kyle who brought four gentlemen, as to compete with her fiancé. Soon, the other girls followed, such as Cassandra Cain, Barbara Gordon, and Stephanie Brown with their own gentlemen. After that, came the other guests, who brought their own spouses. Following that would be the remaining seniors who were married.

All those happening with some of the caregivers and volunteers in the background. I, in the other hand, made sure that no one saw me on the side because I didn't even put that much makeup since I knew that I would be running around here and there. In heels. Just like the rest of the volunteers and some caregivers and staffs.

Immediately, we started the main event. The master of ceremony did that very well. Marrie's speech was incredibly wholesome. Bruce's was very heartwarming. The most unbelievable thing for me was that we had Bill Burr and Whitney Cummings as our main entertainers.

The guests and the seniors shared tables. They seemed to get along well. Dinner looked delicious. Yeah, I couldn't eat during the event because I had to make sure no one choked and died. Same thing happened to the rest of the caregivers and volunteers.

When we finally got to the main, main, main part of the event, the dancing, everyone started to get a little chaotic at some point. Most of them were drunk by now already, especially Miss Hansen who now, laughed out loud as she danced with Bruce Wayne. Jason Todd got ladies chasing after him, but, he danced with a lonely gay senior, Mr. Leigh, instead.

And I didn't know what else to say. Sometimes, these seniors did be thirsty like college students in parties.

The dancing turned out rather fun soon enough. Probably because of the songs were mostly fun songs from the 60's and 70's. Well, except for some from the earlier or later era. Including Scream and Shout, which made everything turned very playful that even one of the easily irritated male seniors pretended to dance by just moving their hands up the side and under their face.

Not long after, the seniors started forcing the caregivers and volunteers to dance with them instead of just lingering in the background. They were stoked that they gave them what they wanted despite of being already too sweaty.

It was when Nina Simone's Compared to What started playing that I got dragged into the dance floor. It was one gentleman to another to Mr. Wayne to even Jason Todd, I kept getting spun and pushed around, appropriately. Then, I ended up with Mr. Jackson who had Rachel on his lap.

Then, the next song came in. Cry to Me by Solomon Burke.

Rachel jumped off Mr. Jackson's wheelchair and dragged me to the more spacious dance floor.

"Do you want me to dance with you?" I asked.

"Yeah!" Rachel cheered.

"Okay," I chuckled.

Rachel and I danced through the whole song and the six songs following because she kept asking me to dance with her. Then I let her return to Mr. Jackson while I returned to the sides.

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