Spin The Bottle

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Back To 6th Year

"Come on, Indigo! We're going to be late!" Daphne yelled through the bathroom door. "I really don't want to go!" I yelled back. "Indigo, you have 5 seconds to open this bathroom door." Daphne said in a threatening tone. "Oh come on Daph, please don't make me go!" I tried to change her mind. "5." She started to count down. "Daph, no!" I exclaimed. "4!" She started counting down louder. 

I ran to the door as fast as I could and swung it open. "Okay! Okay." I said stopping her from counting. I don't know what it is about when she counts, but it's scary as hell and I wouldn't want to know what happens when she gets to 1. 

"Finally! Now, come on." She clasped her hands together and began walking towards the door to leave. "I am not leaving looking like this." I glared at her and she glared back. All I was wearing was my black ripped jeans and a dark green crop top that said "Slytherin" in big capital letters. 

"Why? You look good in that. If I wasn't into guys I would bang you!" She exclaimed. I laughed. "I just don't want Malfoy to call me a slut again." I said looking down at my feet. "Indigo, you are not a slut!" Daphne ran over to me and hugged me. 

"Sleeping with someone does not make you a slut." Daphne said while cupping my face in her hands. It's true, I slept with a few guys but not a lot. I only slept with Adrian Pucey, Cedric Diggory and Fred Weasley, but that's it! I mentally laughed to myself thinking about those times. "Now, come on." She said and started pulling me towards the door. 

The guys invited us girls including Pansy who was already over there to their drinking night or whatever they call it. I as you can tell did not want to go. I'm just glad that Blaise, Theo and I made up so we are friends again, but then theirs  Pansy and Draco who hate my guts, well more specifically my blood. 

We walked down from the girls dormitory and walked up the stairs towards the boys dorms. We knocked on the boys dorm and the door flew open to reveal Theo. "Yes! My favorite girls are here!" He let go of the door excitingly and pulled me into a tight hug. 

"Theo! I can't breathe." I laughed, but no, seriously I couldn't breathe. "Shit! Sorry, love." He said placing me back on the ground and releasing me. Blaise came over and gave me a hug as Theo hugged Daphne. 

Blaise let me go and hugged Daphne. Adrian began walked over, even tho we slept together we are still great friends. "Hey, Indigo." He greeted me with a hug. "Hey, Adrian." I greeted back. "Let's get drunk, now!" Theo ran over to his nightstand and picked up the Fire Whiskey. 

I turned my head and saw Malfoy and Pansy making out on his bed. I'm going to puke and I haven't even had any Alcohol yet. We all sat down in a big circle and started passing the bottle the bottle of Alcohol around. I had a few gulps of Alcohol, when Daphne had a bright idea. 

"Let's play spin the bottle!" She said and picked up an empty bear bottle. "Okay." Blaise said and took the bottle from her. "I'll go first." Blaise said and spun the bottle. While it was spinning I took the joint from Daphne and took a hit. 

I felt something burning into my skin and I looked up only to realize Malfoy was staring at me. I glared and he glared back. The bottle stopped spinning and it landed on Pansy. Pansy shrugged and kissed Blaise. 

Now, it was Pansy's turn. She span the bottle and it landed on Malfoy. "Well, it's not like you guys weren't just kissing a little bit ago." Theo laughed and I mentally gagged. Pansy and Malfoy kissed and he span the bottle. It landed on...Daphne. 

I snorted as did Daphne. "Fuck no." They both said at the same time. "Fine, Draco. If you don't kiss Daphne you have to kiss the person to her left. It's the rules." Theo said and smirked at me, that's when I realized I was the person to her left. 

My eyes widened. "Absolutely not." I said taking the joint from Daphne and leaning against the bed that was behind me. "Draco isn't protesting..." Daphne smirked and wiggled her eyebrows at me. "Yeah, only because she said what I was thinking." Malfoy said, pointing at me. I rolled my eyes and took another hit from the joint. "We can't move on unless you guys kiss." Blaise smirked. 

I rolled my eyes and stood up, I walked over to Malfoy bent down to his level and kissed him, taking everyone by surprise. I don't know if it was the Alcohol or the high I'm getting from the joint, but I really didn't want to stop kissing him, but I knew I had to. 

Pulling away from the kiss, I took another hit from the joint and blew it in his face, I winked and got up and sat back down at my spot. Daphne was giggling like a little girl and Pansy was glaring at me. I just smirked and took another hit. 

I took the bottle and span it. It kept spinning for about 30 seconds until it landed on, Adrian, who was sitting on my left. "Not like we haven't kissed before." He said and smirked. I smirked back and he grabbed my chin and started kissing me. It soon turned into a heated make-out and Theo had to speak up for us to stop.

Daphne nudged me and I turned to look at her and she was trying to hide her excitement for me. I laughed and looked straight forward and saw that Draco was glaring at me. He mouthed 'slut' and I glared at him and mouthed 'man-whore'. He seemed taken aback, but quickly covered it up by glaring again. 

"You know what?" Adrian suddenly said and stood up. "I forgot to mention something." He laughed nervously and walked to the door. "Adrian, what did you do?" Pansy asked in a warning tone. "Well..." Adrian dragged on, and scratched his neck. "So...I kinda...Invited some Gryffindor's..." He said a little quieter, but we all heard it. "What?!" All of them yelled making me jump. 

"Fuck yes!" I exclaimed and got up to walk over to Adrian. "Who?" I asked trying to contain my excitement. "Well, I'm glad someone is excited about it." He laughed and continued. "I invited..Fred and George." He paused and everyone was fine with that 'cause their cool. I was even more excited because Fred and George are as close to me as Daphne. 

"I'm not finished..I also invited...Potterweasleygranger." He said so fast no one heard what he said. "Who?" Pansy asked. "Potter, Weasley and Granger." He said more clearly. "I'm sorry...WHAT?!" Theo said getting up and bringing me too his chest, his hand on my head and his other hand on my waist, holding me close to his chest and stroking my hair. "You need to calm down." He whispered as everyone stared at us. "I can't calm down! I finally get to see my friends in the Slytherin house!" I tried to push away from his chest, but he kept me there. "Let me go." I whined. "Once you calm down, I will." He said and held me closer to his chest.

"Are you calm?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm good." I said more calmly. Theo let me go and I looked to see everyone staring at me. Daphne burst out laughing and I joined in. Suddenly there was a knock at the door...

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