48 ♔ Fiction for the Emperor

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Unlike the previous days, the emperor's office seemed to be less suffocating than before. Despite the wide space, one could only stand rigidly in front of Xander. However this time, the window seemed bigger, despite being closed to keep the winter out. There were fewer scrolls and stacks of paper on the golden-gilded desk and whoever entered can now appreciate the space from the desk to the set of couches, and the fireplace.

The main reason for the change was the emperor himself, devouring his documents with speed and concentration, whilst listening to his prime minister's report. He, unlike before, now reflected satisfaction and his once dull eyes had life in them.

His subjects would still tremble under those red eyes, but now at least they sparked more than cruelty and indifference.

On the other hand, Ysivan was more rigid than usual. Xander had already given up telling his vassal to sit down and loosen his tight shoulders, but the man never listened.

"The spirit stones will be transported from the Duchy this afternoon through the Medakaz Gate as scheduled, Your Majesty. Duke Norvillon said to have added a few more for us."

"Oh?" he raised his head in question. For Devanti who traded no more no less based on agreement, it was something intriguing. The duke is not a generous man, after all.

"In exchange, he asked for the highest qualities of silk and laces, apart from the usual payment. 'As soon as possible. Disregard the gate schedule', the messenger said."

Usually, the traders would return to the duchy the next day, as scheduled on the magic gate that shortened the travel between the Norvillon territory and the capital. This was an iron rule. Travelers and products go through long processes before they could use the magic gate. Additionally, not everyone can endure the magic transport in Medakaz Gate. People who have a higher tolerance to magic could only pass the gate without being sick.

Even the previous monarchs followed the rules, set by the Norvillons who owned the gates.

But for silk and laces, the duke disregarded his own laws.

Xander leaned on his chair with a small smirk on his face. There were no rumors nor intel about Devanti taking in a woman. Only one female could do such a thing. "You're doing great, Feliziia," he whispered praise to his niece.

Xander would never marry another and bear children, then pass the empire to Kirien's daughter. That was initially the plan.

However, despite being the only remaining legitimate Gran Dacchian bloodline, it would be hard for Xander to crown Feliziia as heir to the imperial throne, with Devanti Norvillon coddling her with love.

And then Diana returned alive. Now Xander has more things to consider.

"How's the new draft of the trade treaty?"

"It's going smoothly, Your Majesty. The ministers have been cooperating with Lady Diana."

It was not the purpose of his question, but as always Ysivan answered diligently. Xander was more interested in Diana than anything else.

However, his focus shifted on his friend's uneasy expression. "Speak, Ysivan. You look like dying inside. It's unbearable."

The latter took a deep breath, which in the past, are only reserved for disadvantageous war results or betrayal of a vassal.

"Your Majesty, there has been a report from Alcotta Isles. Doctor Topenhagen and his wife quarreled."

Xander signed a document about additional knights in the Silver Brigade, directly under his command. He had no interest in marital affairs, nor Ysivan. And yet, Xander commanded, "Continue." His Prime Minister has proper tact not to report unless it was of importance.

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