49 ♛ Ash Bu'hir

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Hi. As I already stated, Alec will not appear in this chapter, it's a different character. But the baby fish will come later on.

Also, I loved reading your thoughts in the previous chapter. Thank you for being so chaotically expressive 🤣🥰🥰


Xander watched her shaking hands break the wax seal and pull out the folded paper. The trembling lashes and the relief as she silently read the letter, her eyes going left and right in the sentences, he watched them all.

It was indeed the face of a woman, reading a letter like it was her lifeline.

As per his command, Diana read the letter aloud

"Ak Bu'hir (My life),

I am also faring well. Do not worry about me. I have been nurturing myself to be better and someday, become your anchor.

I miss you dearly and do remember that as much as I am your life, you are mine. I understand that things seemed complicated right now, but always take care of yourself.

I worry that you only put yourself second.

When we meet, I shall tell you the things I've done and a friend who sees me as a rival. I have never met such a strange person.

As your request, I am currently contemplating what kind of things I must do to improve my appearance and calm your worries. I'd look better and dashing next time that it would render you speechless.

Until we meet again, my life.

Ash Bu'hir (Your Life)"

As the letter was finished, Xander watched her smile and place the crumpled letter close to her heart. She never smiled like that to him anymore.

One could think that the competent envoy of Levich and the desperation she had shown earlier were both nothing but illusions. The Diana in front of him now was a woman full of warmth.

But why did he command her to read the letter aloud? Was it to punish himself as she read words of love from another?

She loves another.

From the Duchy of Norvillon. Ysivan's words echoed in his head.

But how? Xander wondered.

If his brother-in-law would have been with a woman, Xander would know.

Diana of all people.

Impossible. He thought. Devanti Norvillon loved and still mourned for Kirien, to the point of closing the garden where the Wylola flowers are still blooming to this day, and no one could enter. Some say that the garden became a forest of abandonment throughout the years and any trace of Kirien was erased from the duchy.

"Who sent it?" Xander asked, reversing Diana's smile into a frown.

"It is a secret of my own, Your Majesty."

Ah, yes. Her secret. But as he watched her with his scheming eyes, he could not help but let a bitter smile on his lips. "Duchy of Norvillon, was it?"

As Xander explained how he found out the existence of the letters, thanks to the marital spat between Dr. Topenhagen and Miryam, she clamped her mouth the whole time. Her mask slowly slipped off her perfect face.

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