3 ♔ Tea of Three

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To begin their plans, any loose threads must be knotted close. The same did for Diana's brother. His body was cremated and stored in a jar, which Diana will keep for now and hold a proper ceremony once she returns to Alcotta.

"He's still an Alcotta no matter what," she said. Yet no matter how she hugged the urn nor her words were sweet-sounding, Diana's face was indifferent. Regarding the ruling of the territory, Diana said that the long tine family butler held the reign. Diana wrote the letter about Michael's fate and that she was now engaged to the second prince.

The people would probably rejoice over the news of betrothal rather than be saddened by Michael Alcotta's death. Nobody would care about a ruler who gambled and piled the debts of their territory, due to his terrible business failures and gambling.

As for now, their first objective was to visit the royal family for formality. The Silver Palace, where the second prince's residence was on the east of the main palace, closer to the walls that enveloped the whole royal residence. Distance wise, it was much farther than the Ruby Palace where the king's harem was, while the reigning queen and the crown prince resided with the king in the Gold Palace.

The residence itself spoke of the treatment among the royal children. Despite having a great appetite for women, the king sired only three children. Niccolus, the crown prince, Alexander treated as a spare, and Princess Kirien, now married off to the duke of Northern borders, infamous for his cruelty.

The rarity of king Augustus offsprings despite bedding different women caused rumors that the king himself had fertility problems. With such conditions, Xander and Princess Kirien were taken in despite having commoner mothers now both dead. Having similar circumstances, Xander and Kirien had a harmonious relationship. Even after the princess' political marriage, the two kept contact through letters.

Despite being far from the capital, Diana knew all of it. She knew things of the past, present, and future, especially to the man sitting across her in the carriage.

"Nervous?" he asked, who never let his eyes off her.

"Are you?" she asked back.

Xander glanced at the magnificent castle from the window. "Not really..."

Unlike his confidence, Diana was scared. After all, they will meet the people they were trying to destroy. And to make a favorable expression, she wore an unadorned gown of dull red with only a silver plated necklace.

For the nobles who had tremendous pride and standard for luxury, silver was considered to be a poor man's treasure. That's why the Xander was mocked for residing in a palace named after it.

Still, it was her best armor. So as not to be eaten by monsters, she must make herself unappetizing and too weak to be devoured. Xander knew it as well.

Once they reached the palace, he assisted her down the carriage and offered his arm, performing his obligation as a gentleman

The servant led them to the garden where Queen Claudette was having her tea with another guest.

The queen stood upon seeing them and, without a word, cupped Xander's face so lovingly. "My son, I missed you."

Xander replied with a polite, "So am I, Your Royal Highness." When the queen gave him enough space, Xander turned to Diana for an introduction. "This is Lady Diana Alcotta, my fiancee."

By the mention of it, the other beautiful woman accompanying the queen, bit her lip, staring at Diana and Xander's linked arms. They say that Lady Therese from the Ducal House of Hearth, was the lady of her generation. With these qualities and a powerful family, she was the most suitable marriage candidate for the crown prince and eventually was betrothed. She was graceful and an epitome of lady's etiquette. Yet, for a moment, the sadness and frustration bled out of her face, and then it was subdued.

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