the end

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"Where are we going?" Mazbeth asked as he held tightly onto Elenore.

"Anywhere but here"

They all turned around and saw thay the horseman had bow pulled out his sword and was getting ready to kill them. Elenore, without thinking, grabbed the gun from her fathe and climbed into the roof of the carriage, he tried to reach for her but she moved out of his way.

"Elenroe, what are you doing! Get back here now!"

"Just keep your eyes in the path and make sure we don't crash!"

She looked up to shoot at the horseman but he was gone there was only the horse chasing after them. A gloved hand slammed onto the roof of the carriage and Elenroe immediately took a shot at it, causing the horseman to fall off.

As she was facing the other way, Elenroe did not notice the latch tree branch stick out behind her and by the time Katrina had wand her, it was to late and she slammed into it, landing back wards in the horsemans steed.

"Elenore!" Ichabod cried out in terror. She saw that the horseman was having onto the bottom of the carriage and being pulled along the Forrest floor so she made a jump for it and landed right next to the horseman and grabbed onto the carriage.

Luckily she was able to kick him off the carriage but the horseman just gripped his horses saddle as it passed.

Elenore pulled herself back onto the top of the carriage and looked around for the hessian, she soon found him when the sound of a sword was heard form behind her. She was able to duck out of the way in time and grab her father bag that was passe to her by Mazbeth, using it as a shield.

The horseman one upped her however and had her pinned against the roof, his hands around her neck.

"Jump!" She shouted to the three of them.

Ichabod refused to jump and leave his daughter in danger but he had no choice as Mazbeth grapsed his sleeve and pulled him onto one of the white horses. The was a brand in bath and the carriage bucked as they went over it, knocking Elenore out of the horsemans graspnand onto the seats, he broght his sword down upon her again but she quickly jumped onto the horse that Katrina was on.

As she jumped she had broken a wooden beam that attached the carriage to the horses causing the carriage to swerve and crash into the trees with the horseman still upon it.

The horses stopped just in front of the three of the dead and they quickly slipped off before racing towards it, out of no where Lady Vab Tassel appeared on a horse and smiled at them.

"Still alive?" She taunted.

"Run girls!" Strain ran off behind the tress but Elenore refused to.

"Yes, do run and hop and skip" Lady Vab Tassel sang, Icabod went to move around her and she fired, hitting him straight in the chest.

"No!" Mazbeth shouted and Elenore let out a blood curdling scream, Katrina turned around at the sound and they all rushed towards him.

Just before they could get there, Lady Vab Tassel grasped the girls by their hair, holding them in place and the horseman approached.

"Here! Take them! They're yours!"

Behind them Mazbeth kneeld down beside Ichabod and smiled.

"Sir, your not dead!"

Ichabod quickly sat up, ran and jumped, clinging for lady Van Tassel and knickingnofbher horse, causing her to realise her grip on the girls hair and the skull to roll out of its bag that she was holding.

The two crawled towards it, trying to fight the other one off as the horseman menacingly walked over to them. Mazbeth, saw a large log among the leaves and used to to hit the Carzed woman and nick her out, allowing Ichabod to grab the skull.

While they were busy with that, the horseman had grabbed bothered girls and was about to chip off their heads.

"Horseman!" Ichabod shouted and threw the skull towards the hessian, Ktraina and Elenroe were pushed to the ground and he caught the skull, placing it securely onto his severed neck.

As soon as it was in place, the demon began to writhe as the skull started to frown muscle, flesh, hair, skin and eyes. The girls took this moment to rush over to Ichabod wo wrapped his arms around them. When they pulled apart he opened up his cat to show them, Katrina's blue book with a smoking bullet hole in it.

Ichabod bent down and picked his daughter up, holding her close to him and Mazbeth and Jatrian stood either side of them. They turned back around to the sill writhing horseman that had now finished his transformation.

He mounted his horse one again and pulled the unconscious body of Lady Van Tassel up form the ground. She slowly came to and looks up at the horseman with fear in her eyes.

The hessian leave forward and bite down on the the screaming woman around as blood poured down her chin. Ichabod averted Katrina and his daughter's eyes firm the disgusting sight. Once he had finished the bottom of the tree opened up and they jumped into it, disappearing beneath the ground,Though the hand of Lady Van Tassel could still be seen from the base of the tree.

Now they could all finally breathe a sigh of relief, Mazbeth and Katrina went to sit down on so rocks as Ichbod put his daughter down and kneels down in front of her.

"What am I going to do with you eh? What you did back their was very dangerous, almost gave me a heart attack, you must promise me to never and I mean never, put yourself in danger like that again because I don't think I will be able to take much more"

Elenroe giggled softly at her father and nodded her head, promising him that she wouldn't so such a thing again, he pulled her in for another very tight hug and stoked her hair. Now believing that his actions of keeping inside all her life was justified, the first time she had been outside the house she had almost been murderer. Now she definitely was going to leave the house ever again, never mind thay she wasn't going to leave his sight even again.

"I love you so much Baby" He whispered.

"I love you too Papa"
The next morning Ichabod was woken up by a kiss on the cheek from his girlfriend Katrina, theybhad finally arrived back home in New York, feeling the happiest they had ever been.

"Just in time for a new century" He said.

They left the carriage and walked along the snow covered streets, Ichabod had linked arms with bothe of his girls and Mazbeth walked behind them carrying all the bags.

"You'll soon get your bearings young Mazbeth, the Bronks is up, the battery's down and home is this way"

And thay is the end of our story, I hope you all enjoyed this book because I certainly enjoyed writing it.

I wanted to thank all of you readers for reading my book and posting such and lovely an encouraging comments, they really make my day.

I really am going to miss writing this book so if anyone would like it, you can write a head cannon or an idea on the comments about Elenore Crane and I can write you a short story about it fo you, it can be from before, during or after the events of the book, it doesn't really matter to me.

If anyone wants to ask any questions about either Elenore or the story, just write a comment and I will be more than happy to answer.

Thank you so much and I love you all.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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