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Ichabod turned around to see the blindfolded woman touching her face as if to try and figure out who it was.

"Is it Theodore?"

"Pardon miss, I wasn't a part of your game" Eleanore responded in a timid voice.

"Then have a kiss on account"

The woman kissed Elenore on the cheek which she immediately rubbed off with the back of her sleeve. The lady removed her blindfold and Ichabod was shocked by her beauty and it seemed that she took a liking to him to.

"I'm looking for Baltas Van Tassel" He stuttered out.

"I'm his daughter Katrina Can Tassel"

"And who are you friends we have not heard your names yet?" A man spoke up in a rather firm voice. Elenore turned her head away from him.

"We have not said them" he turned back to Katrina and gave her a smile "excuse me"

Ichabod went to carry on walking but the man grabbed his arm and pulled him back. Startling both Eleanore and Ichabod.

"You need some manners!"


"Come come well have no raised voices!" An elder man addressed the party he had just walked into the room with a beautiful lady following behind.

Ichabod put a hand on his daughters back to try and calm her nerves, knowing that she didn't like raised voices.

"It is only to raise spirits during this dark time, that I and my dear wife are giving this little party" The man then noticed the two strangers at the party and spoke to them.

"Young Sir and Madam you are most welcome, even if you are selling something"

Ichabod pulled a cealed note from his jacket pocket and handed it to the elder man.

"Thank you sir, I am constable Ichabod Crane, sent to you from New York to investigate murder in sleepy hollow, and this is my daughter Elenore Crane"

"Then sleepy hollow is greatful to you constable Crane and we hope you will honour us by remaining in this house" The man's wife told them kindly, the angered man from before had moved to put has hand protectively on Katrina's arm while shooting daggers at Ichabod.

"Well said dear, Come Sir we will get you and your daughter settled, play on!"

The music began to play again and Ichabod put his daughter down and picked up both of his bags. They followed the man, who they now assumed to be Baltas Can Tassel to their new rooms.

Elenore noticed that he had subtly gained the attention of some other men around the room before leaving.

The two were least upstairs to a small but cozy room and were left to unpack their bags in peace. Just as they began a made walked in carrying a jug of water.

"Thank you, please tell Mr Van Tassel I will be down in a moment"

"I will sir" the maid was about to leave but she turned back around and walked over to Ichabod "thank god your here"

She smiled and waved at Eleanore who returned the gesture before leaving the room. Ichabod was a little confused by her words but brushed it off and continued unpacking.

Once they had finished he sat Elenore down in the bed and kneeled down to her hight.

"I am going to go downstairs to a meeting with Mr Van Tassel, I want you to stay in this room and don't leave under any circumstances, do you understand?"

"I understand, stay in the room and don't leave"

"Good girl"

He kissed her forehead before standing up and leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

Eleanore CraneWhere stories live. Discover now