13-fooking trevor!

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"Seriously? I just told you his name is Trevor

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"Seriously? I just told you his name is Trevor." Julie says.

"Fooking Trevor!" I say. The boys just stare it me.

Clearly this is serious.

"Okay, great. Then...Then he changed it, all right? That's definitely Bobby!" Alex exclaims ignoring my last comment.

Julie looks over to me confused.

"He was their rhythm guitarist." I explain. She nods.

"Trevor Wilson was in your band?" She scoffs, clearly not buying it.

"I can't get over how old he looks." Reggie says leaning towards the computer. Luke just stands behind them looking absolutely horrified.

"Oh...He looks like a substitute teacher." Alex says in a low voice. I look over at Julie and she seems to be understanding now.

"Julie, Kendall..." Luke starts. "What were his other hits?"

I have a bad feeling about this.

"Get Lost." Julie says softly. She knows where this is going. It's crazy to think that the guy who introduced us to rock might've been a fake all along. Plus, he's my godfather.

Trevor and my mother go way back. She said she knew him from our band days. I remember when we heard one of his songs on the radio for the first time. She got all emotional and shut it off. She dropped me off at the house, and sped off towards his. Apparently she didn't do anything because he just kept releasing more and more songs.

Luke frowns and takes of his guitar. "Yeah. I wrote that." He says angrily.

"Long Weekend?" I question. The boys frown even more.

"Yeah. Luke wrote that too."

Julie and I look at each other in shock.

"Crooked Teeth?" Julie asks. That's probably Julie's favorite.

"And that. It was about Reggie." Alex says. Reggie turns to face him.

"What!? I thought that was about you! I don't like that song anymore." Reggie huffs. If this wasn't such a serious situation, I would've laughed.

I look over at Luke. He's angrily grabbing the darts and throwing them at the bullseye.

I walk over to him, to try and comfort him.

"Wait." Julie starts. She looks like she's trying to process everything. "This is... Freaking me out. Trevor's songs are kinda big to me."

"He's the one who introduced us to rock." I add on. That doesn't help anything because Luke just goes back to throwing darts.

"Yeah." Alex scoffs. "Luke introduced you to rock."

"So this whole time, I thought you guys were only connected to Kendall's mom. But you're also connected to her god father?" Julie exclaims.


I give her a look and she mouths "sorry."

"Your god father?" Reggie asks.

"Uh- yeah." I reply quickly. The truth is Trevor never mentioned the boys. Maybe once or twice, but it was just when I asked how he met my mom.

"He's also Carrie's dad. Out of all people, it had to be the one girl who had it out for me." Julie adds.

Not now Julie. This is about the boys not you.

I walk closer to Luke, resting my arm on his bicep. He flinches a little before turning to look at me. 

"Luke, are you okay?" I ask softly.

"No." He says throwing a dart at the board and missing miserably.

His eyes are sad, but his facial expression looks angry. As a song writer, I would hate for my stings to be stolen with no credit.

"-He never mentioned you guys." Julie says finishing her sentence. I kinda zoned out so I missed the first half.

"And that unbelievable!" Luke starts, moving my hand off his arm. That makes me frown.

"Okay, he can take all the credit, and he never even mentioned us?" Luke yells. The boys all drop their heads sadly. I hate seeing them like this. I go sit over by Reggie, and give him a little side hug.

"And he's rich"

SERIOUSLY JULIE! Why would you mention that? What an idiot.

"He has his own helicopter." She continues. I try to grab her attention, but she doesn't look my way. Luke groans and hits a dart on the wall.

"He has...He has a... a helicopter?" Alex exclaims standing up quickly. Reggie does the same, pulling my up with him.

"With his face on it!" Julie exclaims.

"Do you know when to stop?" I mutter.

"And he parks it in front of that hotel?" Reggie asks.


"No." We say at the same time. Except Julie continues talking.

"He gets to park it in front of his mansion." I facepalm.

"Mansion!" Reggie says upper high pitched.

"Dude! We live in a garage!" Alex whisper-yells to Luke.

"It's not about the money. It's about the music!" He exclaims. I beg to differ.

Luke looks around the room, his facial expression hard, until he looks at me and it softens. Then he hears Alex and Reggie, and it hardens up again.


"It's a little bit about the money though!"

"A little bit about the money!" Alex says making his fingers into that one emoji. (🤌)

"We could have shared it with our families!Maybe then my parents wouldn't have had their house turned into a bike shack." Reggie adds. Earning a smack on the chest from Alex.

"Well I mean grandpa is in London now..." I whisper, but nobody hears me.

"What he did was steal our legacy." Luke says turning towards the boys. He then turns back to Julie. The look on his face means trouble.

"Where does he live?"

Julie opens her mouth to speak, but I quickly put my hand over it.

"No. Guys this is a bad idea." I warn them. They all just look at me. I take my hand off of Julie's mouth.

"Abovethebeachimalibu." Julie says quickly, before I cover her mouth again.

Apparently they understand, and Like grabs his jacket.

"Let's go teach him a lesson." Reggie says.

"Wait! What? Guys! We have to rehearse for the dance. This is our first gig!" Julie says finally understanding why I didn't want them to know.

The boys ignore her and poof away.

"Sorry." Julie mutters. I just nod my head.

"Okay, boys! Break time's over, okay? Get to playing. Mama needs her eye candy." Flynn yells to a pretty empty studio.

"They're gone." I huff. Flynn stops smirking.

"I think we just unleashed three angry ghosts on the world. But I think I know where they're going. Come on."

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