Chapter 2

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  A few days passed. You hadn't seen Hajime since that night and you assumed he had forgotten about you. 

  It's kind of a shame. Your mind was blank as your fingers instinctively ran the fabric through the sewing machine. A sudden ring at the doorbell caused you to jump a bit, but not enough to ruin the fabric. You finished the stitch and went to answer. 

  On the other side, to your surprise, was Juzo Sakakura. You saw him around campus from time to time but never spoke to him. You only knew he was head of security. 

  "Hey, listen." He got straight down to business as soon as you opened. "If you've got friends in the Reserve Course, that's none of my business. Just don't say they can come over to the main building. It's off-limits for them."

  "What? What do you mean?" 

  "Some Reserve punk was poking around near the gate. When asked, he said he was looking for you. Just let him know he isn't allowed near here." 

  "Um..." You were at a loss for what best to say. "Where is he now?"

  "Beats me. Don't let it happen again." Juzo left promptly.

  Now informed of this odd occurrence, you decided to head out and see if whoever Juzo was talking about was still around. Was it Hajime? It couldn't've been.

  You walked past the open gate, searching the area for anyone. Near one of the trees, you spotted Hajime, seated and breathing heavily.

  "Hajime?" You approached him nimbly. He looked up upon hearing his name, his eyes widening slightly when he saw you. 

  "Oh, hey," he said, his voice sounding a bit tight. His clothes looked a bit ruffled and he held a hand over his stomach.

  "Are you alright?" You crouched next to him. 

  "Yeah, I'm fine." He fixed his posture and nodded. 

  "What happened?" He didn't have any visible injury, but he still seemed like he just got out of a fight. 

  "Nothing." He smiled again, then stood up. 

  "Was it you that was looking for me? Mr. Sakakura told me about someone." It seemed pretty obvious by this point, but you wanted to confirm.

  "Yeah. Sorry if he bothered you. I probably should've stayed away."

  "It's okay! You-" You stopped, your eyes watching Juzo leave the building. "Um, let's not stick around here. He'll probably get angry about it." You nodded towards him.


  You and Hajime walked away from the school building, wandering slowly around the extensive campus. 

  "Were you trying to get in the building?" you asked.

  "No, not really. I was just sitting in the nearby trees. That guy, Sakakura, didn't want me sticking around," Hajime grumbled.

  "Geez, that's way too uptight. It's not like you're a criminal." 

  "I know. It's a bit frustrating." Hajime sighed. "I'm sorry it took me so long to find you again. I just couldn't get in touch with you."

  "No need to apologize. Here..." You took out your phone and opened your contacts, then handed him the phone. "If you don't mind, we can exchange numbers. Then you can text me and we can meet up." 

  He took your phone. "Yeah, that sounds good." Once his information was typed in, he returned the phone. 


Worthy of Love (Hajime Hinata x Reader Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora