Chapter 22

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  "Welcome in." Jin Kirigiri never had an issue with students entering unannounced. His personality was always warming and comforting, while somehow still remaining professional. 

  "Hello." You approached his desk, bowing once you arrived. "There's a serious issue going on at this academy, and we need your help."

  Once offered a chair, you sat and explained everything to him. Hajime's disappearance and experiment, Sonia's findings, and Chisa's concerns. He listened intently, accepting everything you said without debate. 

  Once you were finished, he nodded slowly and silently thought to himself. Finally, he spoke.

  "I'm interested in what Ms. Nevermind found. Everything you told me has never been made aware to me, but I'll need to confirm its validity first. If it holds up to be true, it is more than enough reason for the Steering Committee to be liquidated."


  "I wholly disapprove of this treatment of Mr. Hinata. Personal consent can only go so far; there are aspects of research and ethics that overrule participant consent. We must retrieve him from this experiment."

  "I think we have to hurry. I'm not sure how much time we have left."

  "Certainly." Kirigiri pressed a red button on a small electronic box on his desk. "Juzo Sakakura, can you please come to the headmaster's room?" He released the button.

  "Be careful. I don't know if you can trust him. He took Hajime away from me."

  "I'll keep that in mind. Juzo was entrusted to me as a reliable ally, and I believe his reference. He's aggressive, but in the end he fights for justice."

  Sakakura burst in with his unfaltering gruffness. "What is it?" he asked uncouthly. He spotted you and sighed. "Are you even capable of staying out of trouble?" He stomped over to the desk.

  You disregarded his comment and let Jin speak.

  "Juzo, I need to know whatever you know about the Steering Committee," Jin said sternly.

  "I don't know anything about them." He kept his hands in the pockets of his large overcoat. 

  "Nothing? Do you work in their area?" 

  "Not often. Every now and them I'm called over for little things, but I usually keep to this building."

  "What about when you took Hajime Hinata away? Tell me about that."

  Juzo glanced at you, imagining you were the snitch. "I was about to leave the campus when one of the directors stopped me and asked me to apprehend a Reserve Course student from the Main Course building and take him to one of the teachers' offices. I left him there, and I don't know what happened to him next." 

  "You just agreed to do it?" Kirigiri asked. 


  Geez, whatever happened to resisting authority every now and then? Peko and Sakakura need to attend a seminar.

  "I see. So you know nothing about the ongoing project?"

  "I dunno what you're talking about." Sakakura didn't hesitate to reply.

  "Okay." Kirigiri clasped his hands together. "Thank you anyway. You're dismissed."

  Juzo promptly left the room, off to find something more interesting. 

  "I'll arrange a plan to meet with the committee. You can leave it to me."

  "Okay." I can't. He'll have to hop over a million legal obstacles before he can get anywhere. I'll have to take initiative. "I'm going to head out. Thank you for your time." You stood and bowed.

Worthy of Love (Hajime Hinata x Reader Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora