Chapter 12

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  The next month consisted of nothing but sewing. Hajime came over when his classes let out, supporting your efforts and helping in any way he could. When the process shifted from conceptualizing to creating, his resourcefulness dwindled, but he still remained as an avid cheerleader. 

  Five outfits were made for Hajime, all of the finest materials you could acquire. You spent a strenuous amount of time on each one, longer than any of your other commissions. Perhaps it was because your enrollment was on the line, but a small part of you felt honored to make something for Hajime. 

  Experts were called in. Not for the outfits, but for Hajime. You had to make sure your model could handle the runway; his performance could ruin your chances. Sonia, Hiyoko, Nekomaru, and even Ibuki were called upon at different times to instill Hajime with a sense of confidence and style. They were all polite to the Reserve student (Hiyoko had a bit of a mouth around him, but he seemed unfazed by her remarks) and helped him in becoming the perfect star. 

  Fortunately, his looks will take him a majority of the way. It's minor to fix his attitude. You cerebrated over the upcoming exam as you looked over your fifth and final outfit for the umpteenth time. Five dress forms surrounded you, each holding a costume for Hajime. You scanned each of them, then turned to your desk. Five concept designs matching the costumes behind you were present, each with an intricate sketch and swatches of your used fabrics. They were prepared to give to the judges, detailing the process of your creations. You had also made a list of previous outfits and their worth, whether it be how much they sold for, who they were made for, or how pricy and detailed they were to make. Just an extra add-on to prove your remarkability. 

  The exams were tomorrow, but the dreadful storm was already apparent in the hordes of TV vans and equipment trucks arriving. It was obvious that this was going to be a big deal, a much bigger deal than you originally anticipated. I hope Hajime can handle it. How many people are going to be watching us?

  You had received an email with the itinerary for tomorrow. Your class, the freshman class, was last on the list, later in the afternoon. There were breaks between each class to set up new equipment. After all, these eccentric kids had a variety of materials they needed to prove their talents. Even you had to order a pop-up tent so Hajime could change rapidly. 

  Damn. I need to find him an assistant. As much as you wanted to be the one to help your model change, you knew you had to keep the judges occupied with descriptions and information. You had to find someone else to assist Hajime between outfits.

  Do any of my classmates go before I do? Maybe when they're finished, they can help him. You checked the itinerary email, reading the list of students and at what time they were to present. 

  The only Class 77 males that went before you did were Fuyuhiko, Nekomaru, and Teruteru.

  Nekomaru might be bit too intense. He's reliable, but extreme. Teruteru...I don't think I trust him around a half naked Hajime. Let me see if Fuyuhiko is willing.

  "Hey I got a favor to ask." You shot a text to Fuyuhiko. As your class had adjusted to each other over the past few months, Fuyuhiko's demeanor had obviously changed from one of coldness and aggression to silent respect and understanding. He wasn't friendly, but he held no ill will towards his classmates.

  "What is it?" Fuyuhiko replied quickly. You explained the situation to him and he agreed, as long as he was finished before the student after you began their presentation. Checking the email, you noticed the student listed after you was Peko. Of course he wants to see her.

  The next day was filled with nothing but watching other students present. It took place in the gymnasium, packed to full capacity with students, faculty, and representatives from every TV and radio station in Japan. You spotted scouts and recruiters from various organizations, anxious to analyze and claim fresh talent. 

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