3. people keep calling me that today.

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It was as if she had been searching around for ages, until she stumbled upon the short, earth fairy who had let her into the suite previously. "I was wondering where everyone was..." Her eyes smiling at the shorter girl, who looked back at her with the same expression.

Terra handed her a glass of freshly poured orange juice. "Well... here I am!" She stated jovially, as Averie saw a guy with a metal whiskey glass. She then recognised it to be Riven. She took a swig of the orange juice, before walking over to the guy.

"Well... if it isn't little miss stalker... have fun this afternoon checking me out?" She wasn't surprised, she wasn't very subtle with her magic. Averie leant up against the ivy-covered wall, the guy's elbow leant up against the brick next to her head, his face metres away.

Her voice sounded a low giggle. "Don't flatter yourself..." She looked down at the metal flask in his hand, his attentive eyes surmised why she came over here.

"Ah... I see..." His tutted, backing away from the girl. "I'm just the alcohol supply." His eye winked, whilst her arms crossed over one another- giving him a nod.

"Sums it up well..." Her vocals low, she downed her glass of orange juice only then to put the empty glass forward. "So... you gonna give me anything, or...?" 

Riven chuckled at her, pouring a substantial amount of whiskey into her glass. "Sky's got his hands full with you..." He hummed playfully at the fairy. "Don't throw up, sweethear-" 

The girl had drank the full half-glass of the potent substance in one full swoop, earning a glance from Riven. "What was that, light-weight?" He hated it when people taunted him, and this girl was no exception. Her eyes rolled at the look he gave her, "go taunt some other first-year..." Her finger connected with his chest, zapping his t-shirt and subsequently, him with an electric shock. Nothing too powerful but it was a warning. 

Averie padded her way back to her friend at the picnic table area. "Someone needed to put Riv in his place... he's a public menace." Terra muttered, sipping on her glass of orange juice- surveying the tanned boy approaching the second-year specialist. The girl next to her was watching the display, as well.

"Riven is just one of those guys who swings his dick around, but fails because the reality is," Terra looked at the brunette, "there's a substantial amount of lacking in that field." She laughed at the air fairy's comment.

Riven had poured some of his alcohol into the unknown, naïve boy's juice and was currently performing a keg-like manoeuvre on him; the glass practically being forced down his throat. 

Terra's feet stomped in a hurried manner over to the boy's aid. Averie decided to take her leave, knowing that Terra could handle herself with her chlorokinesis produced from her earth magic. She decided to return to her suite- to her room. No one else seemed to be at the gathering and she didn't want to be the girl in the corner with no one to talk to at this social gathering.

Upon entering her room, she spotted the redhead- who had heard the girl's footsteps. "Hey, Bloom." Her voice spoke, she turned around as she saw it was Averie.

"Oh. Hey, Ri." She greeted, her fingers holding a pen and matching it to the paper. Averie took of her tanned boots which she had been wearing all day- a sigh came from her lips getting the shoes off for the first time in about seven hours of arriving to Alfea. 

Bloom laughed at the girl's reaction, earning a smile from the girl. "People keep calling me that today..." Her voice dwelled.

"Yeah, I heard that blonde guy call you that..." Her body turned in the chair, facing the air fairy who was sat on the bed. 

A figure appeared in the open door way. "What's this about a blonde guy?" It was the Crown Princess of Solaria. "Does Averie have a crush already? It's only day one." The blonde jeered at the brunette; who wasn't impressed by the pretentious tone that her student mentor engaged with her.

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