11. a legend of a creature that could induce storms.

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It all happened as if it had been in slow motion.

Orchestrated by another power. A higher power..

Bloom couldn't halt her own tears as the head of Averie laid on her lap whilst the vehicle was in motion. Her fingers weaving through her mahogany-locked hair. Eyes wondered over the bruises and the etching of crimson that had been woven into the girl's cheek bone, scratching all the way up to her brow bone.

The fire fairy was grateful that she couldn't see Averie's eyes in that moment. The caring eyes that would randomly converge into that distinct lilac pigmentation. It would break her heart even more than it cracked then. Bloom's eyes swept over the singed clothing that the dead girl had on her body. Scattered sections of missing fabric, which had been surrounded with ashen motifs erupted from the electrical charge that had cascaded into her being.

Under the clothing, her bluebell eyes saw the patterned scars. The source visible due to the large tear in the formerly blanch jumper. The scaration had a plum hue fading into the traumatised flesh that had a darkened peach colour- however the underlying was a vague azure. It would take over the colouration in its place.

Her eyes watched the way that the span of aggrevated scarlet branched; scattering its way under the cups of the girl's partially visible bra. The leaf-like effect had worked its course over her collar bone, contaminating Averie's shoulder. The scarring hidden from Bloom as the gap of material ended. White cotton covering the remainder of her injury.

The first-year ignored the warnings from Miss Dowling to touch the bare skin of the girl, as she made skin-to-skin contact her throat released a pained gasp. "Ow!" Her finger singed for a second before the infliction dissipated. The earth warlock i  the passenger seat turned around to the red-haired girl. Her face looking guilty as he looked at her face and then at the paling, bloodied face.

No-one could wipe her lips of the organic fluid that her throat had choked up a few hours prior, her body emitted an immense of electrical charge and Farah Dowling couldn't comprehend why.

The attack from Beatrix should have released the charge and then it should have faded away from Averie's body, not remain in her epidermis and be able to conduct wattage. Beatrix was alarmed at the time. The fairy should have been crackled into tiny particles of matter; as she had done with Callum the night of the party. However, she didn't.

And that unnerved the homicidal fairy.

As Bloom saw the entrance she had entered Alfea through a few week ago- she was dumbfounded. With the fairy's head on her lap, and her eyes surveying the figures in the distance; she guttered the tears down her freckled skin. "How am I going to tell them..." Silva could see the twinkle of water in her ducts- even in the low-radiance of light. He sympathised with the bawling girl.

The vehicles came to a stop, Dowling's car behind them. The three first-year suitemates watched as Silva and Harvey both exited the car together. They criss-crossed in their directions. Headmaster Silva, opened the left hand back door. The trainer-covered feet of Averie Alexander met his gaze. Bloom's expression had a protective air about it. "No! You can't take her!" The specialist nodded to the man who opened the fire fairy's side of the door. The specialist mentor made sure not to touch her skin.

Bloom had been engulfed into a embrace by the professor's daughter, her blue eyes in tarnish. Musa tapping into her emotions, wincing at the nature of them. "Oh no..." Her voice was sudden in her friends' ears. Causing confusion in the girls.

"Wait... what's wrong?" Terra's hazel-coloured irises alerted as the straining figure of the Headmaster appeared. His arms cradled the lifeless body of their friend. Musa was consumed by the fact that she didn't emit an emotion. Which didn't happen, even if someone was dead.

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