5. she wouldn't be happy if she saw us like this.

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She didn't know how she even managed to wolf some food down before the group of five fairies; all of separate types, had to greet Miss Dowling in the stone circle. It was their first lesson at Alfea and all of them wanted to do well. But those like Bloom and Averie, they searched for control of their powers to prevent them from hurting anyone they loved again. 

The headmistress had been clear on their instructions- gather in the stone circle at the bottom of the grounds. "Does it look okay?" The air fairy queried to her four friends.

The skirt-wearing mind fairy released an purposefully overdramatic gasp, "are you doubting my skills, Averie Alexander?" The group laughed along with Musa.

"My hair hasn't been up to my shoulders since I was about nine, so... I'm just checking." Her words were captivated with a smile on her face. 

"Well... it suits you." They had finished pacing down the naturally-constructed steps that worked their way down to the circle of stone. The force that was emitted by the monument impacted on Averie. The way the wind carried the force into her body; it caused a shockwave of energy into her cells. The core of her humanity and the source of her magic. The others felt it as well, all of them continued to pace over to the grove.

Terra admired the flowers that scattered around the scenery; guiding the trodden path, alongside Averie- who enjoyed the peace and tranquillity that the place offered. The other three of the group sat on one of the stone settlements. There were several positioned in the shape of a circle around the centre piece. The middle of the circle.

It seemed that only three could be seated on the stones comfortably at once, as portrayed by Bloom, Aisha and Musa who had taken their seats. Averie sat on the stone beside them, accompanied by two others. Her friend looked at a loss, there was an empty seat at the other side of the circle. The air fairy's eyes channelled sympathy for the girl. "'Scuse me, love." She gained the attention to the girl sat beside her; eyes brown, lips crimson red, but behind those eyes Averie could sense an unsettling presence. "Can my friend sit here? Doesn't matter if it's an inconvenience..." The unfamiliar female's plump lips pursed a smile at her.

Her expression was too good to be true- as if she was forcing her bright personality. "Of course!" She said grabbed her notebook and noir leather rucksack. "I'm Beatrix." Her sly eyes gazing into Averie's as she stood up.

Said girl smiled. "Averie. Thanks, love." She couldn't shake the feeling, even when Beatrix was walking away, that the air was warning her. Warning her about the girl. "Terra!"

The earth conjurer, with a broad smile made her way over to sit in between her friend and the other student- name unbeknownst to either of them. Averie saw the way that Beatrix stared over at her red-haired friend- before looking away to see the two adults enter the Stone Circle. The shaggy-haired man placing a metallic bowl onto the centrepiece of the circle, before making his way back up the trail to the steps. No one was focused on his venture, they were focused on the woman in front of them. 

"Magic lives in the very fabric of nature..." The woman started, pacing with a professional suave- looking around at her students, making sure of their engagement in the class. "And here in our circle of stone, it's magnified." Everybody in the circle knew of the power of the Stone Circle- their magic had been amplified as soon as they got within twenty metres of the structure. And they could feel it coursing through their beings in that moment.

The older women's hand directed towards the bowl that had been brought in by her assistant. "The Vessel tests your ability to channel that magic." Averie's gaze landed on the stone incline in the centre, then they were back on the motioning teacher. "Later, you may learn to connect with other elements, but your first year is all about the element you were born with." Averie could feel her friend fidget next to her- Musa could tap into the excited aura that Terra was emitting. 

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