The Embodiment Of Fear

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Y/N didn't know how serious Sally was until she attempted to jump out of the window in her room. Earlier that day she was telling nurses about how she's going to finally see her friend tonight and everyone wrote it off as childish ramblings.

It wasn't until she went in Sally's Ward with nurse Sandra to check her vitals that she saw her teetering on the window sill, looming down at the ground far below. Somehow, the window (that do not open anymore) was wide open, the bars were gone. The windows are grand, about as tall as Sally.

Y/N sprinted to grab her, pulling her away from the window. It was like she broke out of a trance: she suddenly started to scream and cry. She sobbed, "Stop! Let me go! He's angry now!"

Y/N, Sandra and a few other staff agreed to get Sally situated into the suicide watch ward of the hospital immediately. Y/N begged for them to place her in one of the rooms with windows that are facing away from the forest next to the facility. They laughed her off like she was a fool, telling her that Sally won't have to worry about windows at all in the suicidal ward.

After a long and stressful day, Y/N couldn't be more thrilled to get the hell out of this place. She packs up her things after clearing her office and making her rounds, checking on the children before she heads downstairs.

The hospital at night is something straight out of a horror movie, especially the eerie giggling heard when passing by the children's rooms. She's walking down the hall on the first floor towards the side exit. She likes this exit because it's closer to where she parks her car, just across the street. She feels her heart begin to race as the sensation of being watched gets stronger. It leaves her feeling icky, like thousands of eyes are glued to her body as she rushes to the door. The sound of her heels click on the floor cause an echo through the establishment, sounding like someone is trailing not far behind her.

She's felt it all day, like something looming over her shoulder. No phone call tonight, to her luck. Her nerves couldn't handle it tonight so whoever is calling must have some consideration.

Just as she pushes the door to escape, a hand wraps itself around the nape of her neck. She lets out a little shriek as she's pulled back into the chest of tall man.

"Hello, Doctor." The man whispers. God, that voice. It's unforgettable. She trembles as she slowly turns her head to face the man. Two years can change people tremendously, but she never thought this much.

His smile is new and improved one could say; instead of just two slits spreading from his mouth, he cut the shape of a large grin into his cheeks instead. The missing flesh bears all of his pearly white teeth and gums in his mouth. His eyes are bloodshot and crazed. His hair has grown out a little too, shaggy ends reaching just past his collar.

"Jeff. . ." She utters, pulling away from his grip.

"You remembered little old me, doc?" He laughs manically. He told her years ago, she should be the one hoping to be remembered. It looks like he remembers who she is. Ever since they first met, he's never called her anything outside of her professional title for whatever reason.

She nods.

She's struck with so much fear. Jeff almost frowns, reminding her, "Don't be scared. There's nothing to fear but fear itself."

He is the embodiment of fear itself. He knows it too.

"I'm glad you remembered me after so long," she smiles a bit, relieve washing over her.

"You should be glad, but you're not one who's easily forgotten, Doctor."

They start walking out into the dawn, the sun just starting to creep up form the horizon, letting Y/N see Jeff even better.

It's silent before she speaks up, "You stayed in Denver after all these years?" Her statement came out more like a question as if she wanted further explanation as to why he's still here. Jeff is originally from southern California so it's odd that he would stay in a dreary place like Denver, Colorado.

"Yeah, I've come to like it."

"Hmm, why is that?"

"Pot is legal for recreational use." Y/N didn't know Jeff did any sort of drugs. Unbeknownst to her, the last time Jeff was completely sober was when he was in The Subordinate.

Y/N has to laugh, "That's funny, Jeff. Since when do you care about abiding by the law?"

"Since never, it's just far easier to come by. Plus, I met a really good dealer, he's got the good shit." He smirks, taking an already rolled joint out of his pocket, along with a lighter. He motions it towards her as if he's offering, to which Y/N rejects.

"No, thank you. I don't smoke. . ." She whispers, "Not anymore."

"Oh, come on, Doctor. A joint never hurt nobody." He reminds her, taking a hit and passing it to her.

Y/N ponders for only a moment before she rolls her eyes, taking the joint and smoking it before passing it back. Just one hit, she reminds herself, you'll be fine.

"Have you. . . seen Toby in the last couple of years?" Jeff asks as they stand by her car.

"No, what the hell happened to him?" She asks, taking a cigarette out of her purse and lighting up.

Jeff just shrugs, "Maybe it's a good thing we don't see him around anymore, those proxies are fucking weird."

She doesn't know what he means by that, so she asks him to explain.

"Don't worry about it, Doctor." He argues, "Do you know why Toby became one?"

"No, I never found out why."

"Toby believed Slenderman would kill you if he didn't become a proxy."

She's stunned. Y/N doesn't know that she's a light to many of those she encounters. She keeps them grounded. Slenderman doesn't like that.

He did it all for Y/N, Jeff explains, telling her how it's pretty fucked up considering Toby probably doesn't even remember her.

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now