Take That Misogyny Elsewhere

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The three men pile into the house, an argument on the rise.

"You really fucked everything up tonight, Ticci." Tim spits venom at the younger as he takes off his mask, dropping it on the bench by the front door, they all leave their gear there. The little fuck up he's referring to? They were ordered to slaughter an entire family. After Brian and Tim dismantle their security system and kill the guard dog in the back yard, Toby was to kill the 4 family members. While the eldest men did their job without error, Toby was making mistakes left, right and centre.

His head was clouded all week, thinking about who that woman he killed was. He was all over the place, taking longer than he should've to kill the household and get out. Not to mention he left his leather gloves in one of the bedrooms, to which Tim berated him about the entire way home, nagging him about why he'd even take them off in the first place. They rushed out of there once they heard a distant siren.

"Get off my back, Tim. I know I already have a punishment coming my way for messing up." Toby sighs, sitting at the dining room table. He rubs his face, trying shake this feeling away.

"What's on your mind, Toby? You look like you're always lost in a thought." Brian questions. Tim went upstairs to change, coming back a minute later. Toby didn't know he was listening from the hallway.

"I killed a woman a few nights ago and I can't shake her out of my head. Something about her was familiar. . ." Before Brian can give his two sense, Tim cuts in.

"How could you let yourself get hung up on some woman?" Tim grimaces as he starts to make a late supper with Brian's help. He takes out a package of pasta as he continues, "Women are good for nothing. Hell, a woman should be in here doing this shit, not me! Don't loose sight of your purpose because of some bitch."

"Imagine if your mother heard you talk about women that way."

Tim rolls his eyes, turning to Toby,  "Maybe you'd stop being such a bitch all the time if you finally got your dick wet, you fucking virgin."

"Fuck off. As if you ever get any pussy."

"I have gotten more in my day than you ever have. Last time you been in pussy was the day you came out of one." Tim smirks, watching Toby's face scrunch with disgust.

"Awh, gross!" He groans, getting up to finally assist with dinner. "You don't understand my situation with this girl, Tim, so why don't you take it on the arches with your patronizing bullshit?"

Tim steps away from the counter top, pulling out his pack of cigarettes from his breast pocket of his red flannel shirt. Tim shakes his head at Toby mockingly.  Toby grabs his cigarette and throws it into the sink, turning the water on. The poor water pressure flushes his cigarette down the large drain. The water in their house is shit, literally. It's murky and brown and not drinkable, especially downstairs. The water upstairs looks clean enough to shower in but they'd probably catch a stomach bug or something if they were to accidentally ingested it.

"Quit smoking in the house, for fuck sake, you're turning the walls yellow just like your teeth." Toby insults him.

Brian snickers, covering it up with a cough. Tim ignores his comment.

"Listen to me Toby, I've been working for our master longer than you so when I tell you shit, I'm not fucking around." He puts his hand on the younger male's shoulder, "You need to clear your head and get over this chick or she'll be the death of you."

Toby knows, does he think he really doesn't know that?

"She's not affecting my performance on the job—"

"You're just blowing smoke up my ass now, Ticci." He retorts, obviously talking about what happened just an hour ago.

"You're a douche, Tim. You don't know me. Why don't you go pop some pills and clear your head?"

"You piece of shit, mind your own—" What can he say? Tim has an addiction he isn't exactly ready to admit to yet. Hasn't been able to for 10 years.

"Talk to me when the rest of your beard grows in." Toby leaves the dining room, walking into the living room as Tim yell after him.

"My beard? What about yours? 27 and you look like a freshman in high school who just stared getting hair on his face."

"Ah, shut up," Toby yells back, "Or I'll shave those fucking side burns off your head while you sleep."

Toby lays down on the sofa in the quiet den. There's nothing in here to entertain him, and after the day he's had, all he could want right now is a nap.

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now