Red Spilled as Red Watched

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Brian turns down the radio as he puts the car in park. They were listening to the news briefly at Tim's request but Toby couldn't stand that boring shit anymore and put on some heavy metal music.

Their beat up car is parked a few blocks away from the house they plan to invade. They go over the plan once more.

"Brian and I checked this place out a few weeks ago. Minimum security. We enter from the side door leading into the kitchen." Tim starts, lighting up cigarette.

"Yeah, they never lock it." Brian smirks as he puts on his black ski mask. They all put on their gear to hide their identities.

"Brian, who lives here?" Toby asks as they walk together around the block towards the house. His goggles are sat atop his head and his face shield is hanging from his neck.

"A middle aged man and his wife, plus a little boy and a baby." Brian replies, adjusting the bag carrying their weapons that's resting on his shoulder.

Tim butts in, "The guy is a piece of shit, so don't feel to bad about taking him from his family. They'll be better off."

The proxies are usually instructed to kill bad people. The goal while working for the operator is to kill as many people as possible but the best place to start is by killing those who hurt others. They convey a message through their crimes this way. A lot of their victims are abusive or evil people, so they're doing an act of service for those around them. Or that's how they've rationalized it.

It's about 3AM and they finally reach the house, creeping around back and preparing for entrance. The plan is to kill the father and take his body, making it look like he was never there to begin with.

"Finish that cigarette already, Tim." Brian scolds before Tim takes his finally puff and puts it out, tucking it into his pocket, making a mental note to throw it away later. He never leaves butts at a crime scene. They adjust their masks after grabbing their weapons; Tim has a knife, Brian has a gun and Toby has his two hatchets.

The backdoor was indeed left unlocked, a careless mistake— especially for someone with two children in the house. Some sicko could come in and hurt them. Luckily for these kids, the proxy trio isn't interested in them.

Tim is the first one to enter the kitchen, listening for any signs that the family is still awake. Once he's positive they're sleep upstairs, he motions the other two to enter. Brian starts down the hall and heads up the stairs, Toby following. They get about half way up the staircase when they head muffled hacking from the living room. Tim. God, that guy smokes too much, Toby grimaces. Brian and Toby wince as they listen to the loud coughing, as if Tim isn't even trying to silence it and they hear stirring in one of the bedrooms.

They move downstairs and rush over to Tim. "What the hell is wrong with you? Shut the fuck up, Masky." Toby hisses, in shock this is even happening right now. Tim's face is red as he tries to stifle the cough, getting angry that his blackened lungs dare to betray him at a time like this.

"Hello?" A man calls out. Their eyes widen. This is going all wrong. Brian puts his hand up, a silent way to show he has the situation under control. He pulls his gun out that was tucked into his belt, his back against the wall as he sidesteps through the living room, waiting next to the doorway that leads to the staircase. He's ready to shoot.

The approaching footsteps get louder, socked feet thudding on the shiny hardwood floor. The soft steps fully approach, the person enters the living room and Brian fires.

"Holy shit, you shot the wife, Hoodie!" Toby yells, forgetting to keep his voice down, his annoyance is getting the best of him. This operation has been planned for weeks and now it's totally gone awry.

𝐓𝐢𝐜𝐜𝐢 𝐓𝐨𝐛𝐲 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫: 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐢𝐭Where stories live. Discover now