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      "Mingi? Where are you? You promised me we will train today

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      "Mingi? Where are you? You promised me we will train today." I whispered in annoyance. The training room was dimly lit I could only see outlines of equipment and shapes. My eyes wandered over to a figure hunched over in a chair.  "Mingi? What are you doing? Are you ok?" No response was given. Hurrying over to his body I shake him in an attempt to wake the man up.  "What the fuck?" My hand was now covered in a thick liquid that was all over his back. Frantically I search for the light switch. A shrill shriek escaped my lips. The sight was horrid. Bile rose to the roof of my mouth, dancing on my tongue. Rushing out of the room I scurry around in search of a restroom. Instead my face lands directly into someone's chest. The collision knocking so much force that the vomit I spent so much effort holding in spurt out all over the person.  "I-I'm so s-sorry. Let me clean that up for you." Rushing off to find some towels I'm pulled back by familiar hands. I already knew who it was just by the touch. He has big strong hands yet they're long and delicate all at the same time.  "Seunghee! Come here." His booming voice calls. The maid who stood some feet away scrubbing the floor made her way towards us without a second thought.  "Yes master?" Everything about her was so robotic. From the way she spoke to her body language. You couldn't read her eyes, they were dull completely void of any emotion.  "Here, take care of it." V told her, handing over his suit jacket.  "I'll be in charge of cleaning you up." The boss states. His hand gently grabs my clean one before we start walking.

    Even when nothing was happening the trembling wouldn't stop. And no matter how hard I tried to clear my mind, flashes of the gory scene stay constant in front of my eyes. There was a bullet hole through his back which is why his back was caked in blood. Seeing his face was even more terrifying. His jaw was completely torn off leaving only the top of his mouth. Truly frightening, and now it can never leave my head. Before I knew it a single tear rolled, slow and sustained, down my right cheek. It hurt so much. I can't say I loved Mingi, but he was my only hope. My only chance of escaping this hell. Now he's gonna rot in this fucked up place, somewhere he doesn't belong.  "Doll, what's wrong?" I almost forgot that he was beside me until his deep voice made a sound.  "Why'd you kill him?" My voice came out clear, contrary to my mind which was spinning a mile an hour making me lightheaded. He chuckled humorlessly at my question.  "Simply put, he lied. Mingi will now go down in shame as a backstabber, a betrayer, a traitor, a liar, all of the above." I wanted to ask what Mingi lied about but I felt as if I've already overstepped. Silencing the boiling questions taking over my head, I let him to lead me through the halls.

 Silencing the boiling questions taking over my head, I let him to lead me through the halls

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   We entered the most magnificent bedroom I've ever seen

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   We entered the most magnificent bedroom I've ever seen.  "Is this your bedroom?" I ask in disbelief. It contrasted the man so much my brain could not process the fact that he resides here.  "Mhm." He hums. My hand was still in his and he continued to lead me somewhere.  "Why are we in your bedroom?" I ask timidly. Nothing was making sense, I have so many questions.  "So curious doll." He comments, not answering my question. Opening a door I'm brought into the most gorgeous bathroom. Everything in the mansion was stunning, but clearly V wanted the royal treatment.  "To answer your question though, you're here because I want you to share this room with me." Instantly my brain was churning with panic. If I share a room with him there's no way I can escape. Fuck! This man is too clever. His intelligence is ridiculously high. It's ok though, as long as I play the part he should be nice. "We should take a bath then we can eat. Soojin is a wonderful chef, she can even whip up some dessert for us. How does that sound doll?" V had a charming smile planted on his handsome face. His tone still having that new sugary sweetness to it. "Sounds amazing." I reply matching his cheery attitude. His cold fingers slid under my shirt pulling it off. He helped me take off my brace before pulling down my shorts. Before he could take off my underwear I stopped him. "I'll do it." He gives me an amused look before stepping back. I turned to try and conceal as much as I could, however it was basically impossible with V burning holes in my figure. "There's no point in trying to hide yourself. It's not like I haven't already seen everything." He remarks smugly. The fact that he's right is what kills me. What reminds me of the unwanted memories that are forever in my mental cabinet. Lifting me with ease he placed me on the sink counter. I watched in silence as he drew a bath filling it with lavender scented bubble bath soap. Turning back to me he picked me up again but this time I was carefully set into the warm tub. V then began pulling off his own clothes. His being is truly mesmerizing. The way his honey skin glistened under any light. The beautifully intricate tattoos that decorated his broad back. I can even see the reign crown on the side of his neck. And don't get me started on his face. The man is gorgeous, it's truly a shame that his insides don't reflect the beauty of his outsides. As a child this was my fantasy. To live in a lavish home with my loving husband. We would adopt kids and grow old together, living a wholesome life. To my dismay this is not the situation I wanted to be in. It checks every box except for the loving husband and wholesome life. Being so in my head I didn't realize that he had already climbed in. The larger male sat behind me positioning me so I was between his legs. It was a bit uncomfortable for me as my back touched his chest and I could feel his dick on my bottom.  "Relax. I'll get you cleaned up." He whispers softly. Doing as he says I allow my body to go completely slack, letting go of any tension. In the back of my head there are a barrel of reasons why this is a bad idea. A prevalent one being what if he takes advantage and drowns me? This is a good opportunity. Although, he had multiple opportunities to kill me though he never does. My thoughts were immediately silenced by a sensation on my body. I fall into a deeper relaxation at his work. He used a delicious vanilla bean scented body wash, rubbing it gently into my skin. His hands are magical. Who would've known? I'm so used to his hands inflicting pain not pleasure. Using the same scented shampoo I was then blessed with a heavenly hair massage.  "Does it feel nice doll?" He breathes out, hands still at work. "Mhmm." I hum completely in a trance.  "Good."

A.N- I'm sorry for taking so long to update. I'll try to update more often.💜

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