Trigger happy

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    After that first mission, I was allowed on another which turned into my sixth mission in a span of two months

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After that first mission, I was allowed on another which turned into my sixth mission in a span of two months. Let's just say V was impressed by how quickly I was able to build up my skill set. Instead of punishments I've been granted many rewards. He'll take me out occasionally, only to places he owns of course. Though I am grateful nonetheless. I even found myself enjoying intimacy in which before I never had a choice in. And although things seem better my mind happens to still be stuck on Jungkook's words two months ago. It haunts me though I try not to let it get to me. A part of me wants to ask Jungkook what he meant however I highly doubt he'll let up. Asking V will get me nowhere except attempting to dissect vague answers. Even with growing more comfortable with him over time, he still strikes fear in me.

"Doll, you were smiling in your sleep. Had a good dream?" V interrogates with intrigued eyes raking over my sleepy form. "I wouldn't say good necessarily, more so interesting." I reply with a yawn. Lately the nightmares of my ex have changed drastically. Rather than just reminiscing about the horrific things he's put me through, now it'll be that but I end up losing it and murdering him. That's never happened before, it gives me a sense of power and dare I say comfort instead of dread. I have a hunch that the missions are what instilled that confidence within me. My character has changed allot since being here yet it hasn't at the same time. I don't know what to make of this realization. "What're you thinking about?" I turn my head witnessing V stare at me. While stuck in my thoughts I'm sure he was analyzing what could I possibly be planning. "I was thinking about my ex." I answer keeping my gaze locked on his to catch any reaction. As expected he remained stoic letting out a simple hum in response. "I-I... I want to kill him." I reveal in a small voice.

I didn't know what to expect when coming back here. Seeing the familiar wooden, red door Minhyuk would often pin me against angrily. I don't know what surprised me more, the fact that he still lived here or the fact seemingly nothing had changed. That's what terrified me the most, the memories. V made the first move, going to knock on the door and then swiftly hiding away so it only looked like I was there. My eyes froze upon hearing the blinds open, someone peeking through. Only seconds later the front cracked open revealing the person I've been dreading to see. The man that haunts my sleep, who I've escaped from those three years ago. It shocked me that he hasn't found me nor bothered to look. Maybe he has but gave up soon after. I don't care, all I know is that this shit ends today. "Jiminie?" A shiver runs down my spine from hearing his voice after years. This is real, he is real... standing right in front of me. Are my eyes deceiving me?
"M-Minhyuk." I stammer, head spinning going in and out of reality. "You came back." He says, tone unreadable. I almost wanted to laugh in his face. Gone for three years and suddenly come back? After he abused and manipulated me? Funny joke. Although I don't tell him that, simply agreeing "Yeah, I... I missed you." I whisper, eyes trained on my feet. "Look at me." Already asserting his dominance. Afraid, I comply to avoid angering him. Glancing up, Minhyuk had a smile on his face. That pretty smile and dimples, a feature that had me falling head over heel for the man. "C'mere." He tells me, hand reaching out to me. Reluctantly I grab his larger hand, gasping when he pulls me into a bone crushing hug. "I've missed you so much baby." His eyes rake over my body, fingers caressing my hips. "Look at you, all grown and body developed." I didn't like the way he said that, it was very predatory. "You haven't seen me since I was like 17, that's why." I mumble, avoiding eye contact. Back then I didn't realize how much of a pedophile he was, dating a 16 year old at 21. " True, but you look so different now. Tattoos and promiscuous clothing, I miss your innocence." He whispers in my ear creepily, making me shudder. 'You're the one who stole it from me!' I scream in my head. This man was the first to touch me in the way he did, teaching me about love. He was my first love. "You know, throughout the time you left I never stopped loving you." My breath hitched at the confession. A part of me wanted to believe him, wanted to fall back into the delusion of a happy relationship with him. Though I knew what he was doing, it can't work on me anymore I won't let it. "Close your eyes." I whisper seductively, climbing onto his lap. With a smirk he complies assuming I'll give him what he wants. "No peeking." He nods, "I won't." Reaching into my shoe I pull out a small switchblade. Taking his hand, I wrap it around the weapon making us both hold it. I sink the blade in his stomach as soon as he opens his puzzled eyes. Leaning in, never removing the knife, I press my lips into his. Pouring out any remaining feelings I had for him, negative and positive. I pull away once he starts to cough up blood. With reddened lips I watch with satisfaction as the life drains out of his body. V walks in the house at the perfect moment. I look up at him with a beaming smile, "I did it."   V smiles back, "I'm proud of you."   "How proud?" I press.  "Tremendously." He replies.    "Show me." I request, conjuring up all the ways he could reward me. 
I land on the old, queen sized bed I used to share with Minhyuk. V hovers over me, a devilish grin spread on his sinful lips. He doesn't skip a beat, flipping me onto my stomach tearing my jeans off. I hiss once he thrusts into me, no preparation. He scales his nails down my ass and thighs, reopening old wounds and scars. I let out a choked moan, relishing in the burn of the way he drags his length in and out.  "You're so pretty like this. My pretty pretty doll, all bruised up." He grits, holding my neck as a way to steady himself as he hammers inside of me. I can feel my airways close in on itself causing great pain that I find myself loving.  "Mmm," I hum, sobbing once he goes even faster hands never leaving my neck.  "Fuck." He growls. Once the pressure leaves my neck I take a deep breathe, feeling relieved. V takes it upon himself to grab my face instead, leaning down kissing my lips bloody. I mewl and whine into his mouth, feeling a ball of pleasure in my gut.  "So good, you'll stay good for me won't you." His husky voice sends shivers down my spine, precum threatening to spill.  "A-always g-good for y-you, m'promise." I pant, face wet. More precum spills at the brutal slaps on my ass. He sinks his teeth so hard into my skin he drew blood, but it felt euphoric. The pleasure was overwhelming.  "I-I can't hold on a-any longer m'sorry." I sobbed, afraid he'll be disappointed in me.  "It's ok doll, you've been good today." He rasps, running a soothing hand down my back. His thrusts slowed to a tortuous pace making me cry out. My hands clawed onto the maroon sheets as he filled me up with his seed, my own cum painting the cotton. All I felt was bliss, pure bliss. This is all I need.

A.N~ two more chapters left😅

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