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Bri's outfit ^

Bri unwrapped her arms around riven and quickly sliding out of the bed before grabbing all her stuff and walking back to her dorm before the sun comes out so she didn't get in trouble with Silva. She was still wearing riven's top before falling asleep on her bed, setting her alarm later so she can sleep in but still be on time for training.

In the morning, riven woke up to no body in his arms. To say he was disappointed was an understatement. He had the best night of him life and opened up to someone about his family. He wasn't even totally sure if she was actually with him that night but seeing a while thigh sock on the floor and the faint smell of her vanilla perfume. He knew that he didn't just imagine it. He got dressed for specialist training and headed down there meeting with Sky who had spent the night at stella's.

On the other side of the school, Bri was rushing stuffing all her clothes, makeup and books for today in her bag while changing in to her specialist's training gear

. Once she was done she sprinted to the training field to be put in a partner with a random girl. They were on mats by the platform and on the mat beside her was Dean. They were still fighting but Bri saw Riven take down sky which made her proud of him as last night he told her that he was always felt meaningless as Sky got all praise and won every fight and it made him feel shit about him self. Bri continued fighting watching the girl in front of her losing breathe but still fighting.

Meanwhile, Riven and Sky were talking about Silva while walking to Stella but riven's eyes trained on Bri as he watched her do a backhand  spring dodging a leg swipe. Stella muttered a fine which broke out of trance to spit out a sarcastic comment.

"Dr Stella coming through with a zero effort diagnosis"Riven said before asking "would Bri be your nurse? She would look hot in a nurse's costume with it hugging her beautiful curves and it being a tiny bit short so I could see-"

Stella hit him before he continue what he was saying about her sister.

"Are you training later, or are we hanging out before the party" Stella asked before not even getting a single acknowledgment from Sky as he was too busy staring at Silva. "Sky?... he's fine. Professor Harvey still has him on Zanbaq, right?"

"That just manages his symptoms. He won't get better till they kill the Burned one dead." Sky sighed out

"And they're people looking out for it. It's not gonna get away from every fairy and specialist in the Other world." Stella finished before interrupted with cheers as her sister takes down the other girl "YES BRI! anyway I've got to go to class. Stop worrying." Kissing him on the check before running to her sister hurting her up so she can get dressed and get to class.

"She must be mind-blowing right? Or does she do weird shit with her tongue. I know her sister is. God, that was the best night of my life. I'm getting turned on just thinking about it." Riven sighed out.

"What are you talking about?" Sky asked

"I had mind-blowing sex with miss icy queen and let me tell you best fucking shag of my life and she's actually got good conversation and don't get me started on her green eyes. They are so bloody mesmerising and the thigh highs she always wears. Do you know why she's not wearing any today? They are in my pocket right now. She could crush my head with her thighs and I would gladly thank her. Okay now I'm just rambling. Back to Stella I'm just trying to figure out why the fuck you started things up with her again. Like she's crazy hot, not as much as Bri, but emphasis is squarely on 'crazy... it's butt stuff . She's letting you do butt stuff!" Riven exclaimed

"Shut up, Riven!" Sky said while blushing a bright red before pushing him on the floor.

Bri was sat in  class wearing her corset, leather jacket, skirt and fishnets and was sat next to Beatrix. She was given many object to freeze which she did automatically and was waiting for the class to end. She already knew hot to do all the stuff in the lessons as her mum taught these to her by the age of 5. Dowling came past and smiled at Bri and said

"Well done, Bri. Top of the class again!" Before she walked off helping other students.

After class, She was in the lunch line with Terra and Dean while they watched Riven with his arm round Beatrix sharing a apple.

"Are they sharing a apple? That's so weird"Terra asked

"Quite repulsive actually" Bri said while fake gagging to cover the fact that she was kind of hurt when he did that.

Beatrix was beautiful,smart and a badass and Bri always thought she was nothing great to look at and didn't have much personality. Last night. She thought something changed between them but perhaps not. She scolded we self for being so idiotic ever think that anyone would ever chose her over Beatrix. Riven could have who ever he wants, Bri thought. Nothing was special about her. She was just a one night stand. She was pulled out of thought when Dean said

"I know, right? Apparently, she's actually a huge nerd. In between bong rips, she can recite the entire history of the other world."

Terra chuckles before saying "riven has questionable taste"

I- uh- little bit offended as I have fucked riven and can also recite the entire history of the other world, Bri thought. She zoned back in when Dane mentioned them inviting him to the senior specialist party that Bri also got invited to.

"I know what it is. They do it every year. It's a... mess" terra said looking concerned

"Does that mean you're not going?" Dean questioned

" I am. I'm in need of some alcohol, drugs and real men not any fuck boys." Bri piped in while terra said

"Maybe. And...I'm just gonna, uhm, probably gonna see what the vibe is" while Bri laughed at terra's goofiness.

"You should come. Then maybe I'll see you tonight" he said before walking off with his food. Terra hesitated in following him but turned back to me. Bri walked her to the table with bloom and Musa on it. Bri turned around and headed up stairs to look for her sister so they could spend time together like they used to.

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