Chapter 6

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Primrose Hill, London

"How did it go with the children this morning?" George asked his sister.

Charlotte visited a children's orphanage and spent all morning with them. She read them stories, and spoke to them of random topics that came to their minds. In addition to that, in the name of the Royal Family, she donated them food, warm clothes for the winter, and toys, such as balls for the boys, and dolls for the girls.

"It was wonderful," she smiled joyfully. "I always enjoy helping and visiting those children."

"I'm happy to hear that," he nodded and started looking around the park. "Where are these friends of yours? The Bridgertons."

"With their family, I presume," she looked at him. "Thank you for taking the time to join me in my stroll."

"Of course," he nodded with a smile. "After all, today is a nice day. Quite helpful to clear one's head."

"You are right," she sighed contently as at the cold air embraced her.

Charlotte couldn't sleep last night due to the Bridgertons not leaving her mind. Her heart wanted to get out of her chest every time she thought of them, and their unexpected letters.

"Who are they?" George asked as he nodded at the way of the three girls walking together with their mama. Charlotte snapped out of her thoughts and looked in the direction he was looking. "For goodness' sake. Look at those dresses."

"Do not critique them, Brother. A dear friend of mine is friends with one of them. Those are the Featheringtons," she explained. "The one in the yellow dress, is Penelope Featherington, born into a family who may never truly understand, or even see her as she truly is."

"Is that not the young lady who fainted in front of us?" He questioned, she chuckled and shook her head. "And the whole court?"

"That would be their eldest sister, Prudence. From what I heard, a shameless status seeker, intent on avoiding a life on the shelf," she continued explaining. "And her sister next to her is Philipa. A rather luckless young lady, eager to please her mama...perhaps too eager."

"I am assuming the lady behind them is their mother," George nodded in her way, and Charlotte nodded.

"The one and only, Lady Portia Featherington," she continued. "A matchmaking mama with three daughters on the market, and so far, cero successes."

"No sons?" He asked, and she shook her head. "Let us find these friends of yours, then."

"The Bridgertons?" She asked with an enthusiastic smile, and he nodded. "Oh, Brother, you will like them, I assure you."

With excitement, Charlotte started to gallop in her horse faster, in search for her friends. She saw Eloise with her mother, and chose to start there.

"You already met dear Lady Violet Bridgerton, a darling matriarch with a propensity for muddling about in her progeny's affairs. Only for how much she cares for them," she explained with a smile and chuckled. "And her daughter next to her is Eloise, a rebellious spirit with a rather unfashionable intellect to some. But not to me, I must add."

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now