Chapter 19

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The Duke and Duchess of Hastings

Bridgerton House, London

The next day, Lady Danbury, the Duke of Hastings, Daphne and Violet Bridgerton went to see the Queen. Charlotte was there too, sitting next to her mother, with Luna lying on her feet. Each of Ladies of the Court had a one if Her Majesty's dogs in their lap.

Lady Danbury was the first to address the Queen, by lightly leaning herself forward.

"As low as you can go, Lady Danbury?" The Queen teased and raised an eyebrow at the woman.

Charlotte would have scolded her mother, as she always does when she says comments like this, but she knew she and Lady Danbury share a small friendship/acquaintanceship.

"With these knees, yes, Your Majesty," she nodded with a smirk.

"Very well. Let your young people come forward," the Queen nodded. Simon and Daphne both walked forward, bowed and curtsied. "I have heard a rumor that the special license you seek to marry has been denied. I am not quite sure what you believe I am to do about it."

Neither Simon or Daphne really knew how to start.

"Well, plead your case," the Queen stated calmly.

"Your Majesty, I assure you nothing untoward has occurred. It is only that we love each other so very much," Daphne said with a small smirk, and the Queen sighed, unsatisfied. Daphne looked at Charlotte, who gave her an encouraging nod to continue. "While I was deeply flattered by the attention of your nephew, the prince, I... I simply could not ignore my long-standing affection for the Duke. You see, Your Majesty, it was love at first sight."

"It was not, Your Majesty," the Duke said firmly, and Charlotte's eyes grew wide at his denial. This was not a time to deny it! Simon looked at Daphne, who was also looking at him in utter disbelief, before he looked back at the Queen. "The young lady flatters me, but it was not love at first sight for either of us. There was attraction, certainly, at least on my part. But Miss Bridgerton thought me presumptuous, arrogant, insincere. All fair, really."

Now the Queen seemed more interested.

"And I thought her a prim young lady barely out of leading strings. Not to mention the sister of my best friend, and so romance was entirely out of the question for both of us. But in so removing it, we found something far greater. We found frienship. You see, Miss Bridgerton and I have been fooling all of Mayfair for some time," Daphne looked at him as if he was mad. "We have fooled them into thinking we are courting...when really, all along, we simply enjoyed each other's company so much we could not stay away from one another."

Charlotte sighed with a smile, feeling overwhelmed with joy and adoration by the Duke's words. It was an understatement to say, or to notice, that Daphne's hart fluttered in her chest.

"I have never been a man that much enjoyed flirting, or chatting, or, indeed, talking at all. But with Daphne... Miss Bridgerton...conversation has always been easy. Her laughter brings me joy. To meet a beautiful young woman is one thing, but to meet your best friend in the most beautiful of women is something entirely apart. And it is with my sincerest apologies, I must say it took the prince coming along for me to realize I did not want Miss Bridgerton to only be my friend. I wanted her to be my wife," Simon's words brought Daphne close to tears. "I want her to be my wife. And so I plead with you...not to make us wait."

"Simon..." Daphne whispered.

"You are wise...or perhaps unusually lucky to understand friendship to be the best possible foundation a marriage can have," the Queen said sincerely. "Even if that foundation should crumble as quick as it was built."

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now