Chapter 26

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The Bastards

The fastest courtship upon record occurred during the markedly wet season of 1804, when Miss Mary Leopold secured a betrothal over a plate of sugared almonds and licorice in just four and a half minutes.

Of course, Miss Leopold and her husband would leave London mere hours after their wedding. Reason unknown.

Of all that I have imparted to you, dear reader, there is but one bit of wisdom you must heed most. One can never know the truth of a marriage hiding behind closed doors.

Beware indeed, blushing newlyweds. And our future royal newlyweds. You know not the future that awaits.

Will there be hardship...

"Don't you touch me. Stay away! Just leave me alone!" The King yelled at his servants and threw the plate of food to the ground...with his sword. And the Queen could do nothing but stare in utter disbelief and sorrow. "Go away! Leave me alone!"

...or indignity?

Or will one's future see the rarest accomplishment of all, a true love match?

As for which of these fates await the eager matches of the season of 1813, only two things will tell... Time, and, as always, this author.

Bridgerton House, London

"Aunt Winnie has sent word," Violet walked in the dining room with a letter in hand and a smile on her face. "Francesca will be arriving home tomorrow."

"How exciting!" Hyacinth exclaimed.

"Perhaps she can tell us of time spent far from London," Colin stated calmly.

"Fran has missed so much," Gregory commented.

"Indeed. It certainly has been an eventful season, what with Daphne and the Duke, Benedict and Charlotte's engagement, and then Anthony and..." She stopped herself when her eldest son sent her a brooding glare. "Yes, well, never mind."

"Will we see Charlotte today?" Eloise wondered, and looked at her second eldest brother. "I wish to know how many people will be at the wedding."

"As far as I know 1,900, perhaps more," he answered, without taking his eyes off his sketch.

"Wha– Where did you get all those people?" Eloise asked with a frown. "No one in this family has that many friends, besides of me and Colin with Penelope Featherington. And the Duke and Char do not count. They are family."

"Are you saying we are not socially active, Eloise? Is that it?" Anthony looked up from the newspaper and at his sister.

"That is exactly what I mean," she stated with a nod.

"It is a Royal Wedding, Eloise. It cannot be small, intimate, nor private like Daphne's," Colin reasoned.

"Believe it or not, she has a large family of cousins, illegitimate brothers, and royal family of other countries; the House of Lords must be present, the House of Commons too, and their wives; basically everyone who also attended the social season, and of course, our family," he explained, and Eloise's jaw dropped, as well as Hyacinth's. "No pressure, am I right?"

"So there is a high chance of me conversing with other people..." Eloise groaned in frustration. "Delightful."

"How come are you not terrified?" Gregory asked him.

"I try not to think of it," he said sincerely and looked up from his sketch, to his brother. "But everything will be alright, of that I am sure."

"Lord Bridgerton," Humboldt entered in the room. "Sir Thomas Ward is here to speak to His Royal Highness."

[1] The Princess Royal | B. BridgertonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant