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Boobear: haz I kinda wanna rail you right now.


Boobear: shit. I'm sorry I didn't realize this was the groupchat 😳


boobear: hey Niall

Nialler: what.

Boobear: Remember what happened in japan

Nialler: can we stop bringing that up-

Boobear: never.

Zaynie: hi everyone

Nialler: Zayn you're finally awake for once!

Zaynie: yep liams sleeping now :)

Boobear: send pics or it's not happening

Zaynie: why do you always want photos of us when we're sleeping...and why does Liam always send them?

Boobear: because you guys are adorable.

Zaynie: hahaha I drew on his face
(Can someone like tell me if this is actually Liam or not..cause it looks like him but it doesn't at the same time)

cause it looks like him but it doesn't at the same time)

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Boobear: ew.

Hazza: Louis that's not nice.

Boobear: sorry baby.

Zaynie: anyways...other than Louis wanting to rail haz. How's everyone doing.

Nialler: we need to figure out what the next album name should be

Boobear: walls.

Hazza: Fine line

Nialler: Harry..we're not doing ✨fine lines✨

Hazza: not drugs you stupid fuck.

Boobear: Harry that wasn't very nice.

Hazza: sorry Niall

Zaynie: I was thinking nobody is listening-

Hazza: but like the whole world is listening..

Zaynie: what about mind of mine.

Boobear: no..walls is better.

Nialler: what about heartbreak weather

Hazza: I kinda like that.

Nialler; or flicker.

Zaynie: what about icarus falls

Boobear: dude what the hells are these names your coming up with Zayn.

Zaynie: 🤷🏽‍♀️

Boobear: okay so here what we're gonna choose from

Boobear: heartbreak weather, icarus fallls, WALLS, or fine line

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