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*simon cowbell was added to the chat 🙄🙄

Simon: Zayn I forgot to tell you on the phone. You're not to be seen near Liam on stage or in public for the next couple of months...

Zaynie: what-

Simon: I don't wanna hear anything. You did this to yourself. Understand

Boobear: Simon, this was my fault. Please just punish me and not Zayn. I will take full responsibility for all of this

Simon: no, Louis, this is all on him. He did this to himself so now Him and liam can suffer

Hazza: why are you so mean for🥺 

Hazza; why can't we just be free. It's not like we're hurting anyone.

Simon: most of your fans are ladies, and if they find out you like men. They won't like you anymore and then you're career is over

Boobear: half of our fandom literally is hoping we're gay🧍‍♀️

Lima bean: or they're gay/ lgbtq+ themselves

Nialler: exactly it doesn't make any sense.

Boobear: you're just making up stupid excuses to ruin our fooking lives because you're a homophobic asshole.

Hazza: preach babe 😌 

Simon: you know what. Since y'all want to act like this, go ahead. Tell everyone that y'all are faggots and watch what happens

Boobear: okay. Only if you tell everyone how much of a homophobic asshole you are.

Simon: no.

Lima bean: fine. Well do it ourselves then. Well tell the world how horrible you treated us in the past 10 years-

Zaynie: everyone will hate you.

Simon: you wouldn't dare to do that. I gave y'all a whole career

Zaynie: yeah, but, I think my relationship with the person I love is more important than anything else

Simon: so you don't care about you're fans

Zaynie: I do, I really do care about them and I love them so much...but I can't bare seeing Liam crying when I come home from being with perrie. It hurts and I know it hurts him so much.

Boobear: same with me and haz.

Hazza: and all the fans will believe it because they've seen everything and they know everything. They aren't stupid...they look into everything, they know ziam and Larry are real no matter how hard you tried to hide us. They know.

Simon: I'm not allowing you to make music anymore...at least for a few years

Nialler: alright listen here salmon cowbell. Why do you feel the need to stop our music because of the people we love? Who cares about who we love. Love is love Simon, if we love someone we love them. We can't help it. We don't need homophobic, toxic people like you In our lives to ruin it, so guess what. You're getting dropped. We don't need you or your shitty management. You only used us for bad shit anyways. So say goodbye to all the money we were giving you cause now we're free and they can start families and be happy together finally without you in the way of them.

Simon: I hope you all fail in the future...

Boobear: I hope you fall off that stupid scooter of yours and break your back.

Simon: how dare you wish that on me.

Boobear: how dare you wish failure on us...

Nialler: goodbye Simon. I hope we never see your ugly face again.

Simon: you guys are nothing without me

Boobear: please, we didn't need you anyways.

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