1. Self doubt

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Jimin sighs as he looks at himself in the mirror .He was covered in sweat from his workout and was getting ready for a nice shower before going to bed.
His mind was messed up and body ached while he leaned closer to the mirror holding the sides of washbasin after rinsing of the remnant makeup.

'What is it about me that jungkook doesn't like' he thought for what felt like the millionth time
Today jungkook chose him as the least attractive member of the group when asked to rank the members based on visual.
And jimin acted like it didn't hurt but it did and really bad too
It was not the first time he was made fun of for his looks...in high-school too he has heard people refer to him as tae's short cubby friend, even when his parents and Tae told him that he looked adorable he couldn't help but feel bad..
He had even seen comments of various army calling him names and saying how pathetic he looked....even though there were a lot in support for him, he always felt sad about the negative comments .
And now jungkook......he just confirmed jimin's insecurities by picking him last among bts in looks.
Unpleasant thoughts filled his head as he continued to stare at his reflection,
Only barely seeing himself as his eyes were glassy just thinking about the ranking.
'Of course jungkook had to pick someone last right?? So he chose you big deal! Get over it! ' he tried to think in order to comfort himself
Jin hyung was obviously handsome,he had the most beautiful smile, broad shoulders and could easily put models to shame. ..he himself calls him world wide handsome cause he knows how handsome he is. His confidence and humor sence just adding to his charm.
Namjoon hyung was so tall and manly, had a nice voice and is soo sexy..his dimples giving him an innocent look as well. He is also an amazing leader and is so smart.
Hobi hyung looks so sweet and innocent, his defined features making his charming and he is good at everything.. their ray of sunshine who made anyone's day better,he was definitely the most cool yet caring guy jimjn had ever met.
Suga hyung is so cute he looked like a kitten when he is sleepy but is also  badass and super confident on stage, he is also an amazing producer.
And then Taehyung....the most handsome boy in bangtan,he was perfection in every sense,his kind and gentle sometimes weird ways making everyone instantly fall in love with him.
And then there was jungkook....
His jungkookie...
His puppy prince who he raised.. Jungkook was so manly and charming but also soo cute at he resembled a bunny.

'And then there is me.....'he thought with a sigh. A painful sob left jimin 'of course I am the ugliest....anyone can see that! jungkook is right.'

He took of his shirt and then looked at his body.  His defined arms , his elbows had bruises from the falls of previous practices, he sighs as he looks at his toned abs.
He always felt the need to maintain his abs feeling that it was the only way he would be loved by army. And worked religiously for them.
He looked at his small hands and his face in the mirror, searching for faults in him.
His small button nose was red from crying and cresent eyes puffy,his swollen shiny Lips looking rosey in the bathroom light ,hair short and dark brown it was almost black, nothing about him screamed handsome to him. He hated this..hated this feeling .
Maybe I should go on a diet and loose a lot of weight. My cheeks are chubby i should try loosing them.' He talked to himself while squishing his cheeks, checking his reflection with a frown .
'Even though Tae says they make me look cute, they are actually just making me look fat..none of the other members have chubby cheeks anyway...also i have to make my body more attractive and then practice till I perfect everything so that I can be as good as the others'  he thought . He felt confirmed that his abs were the only thing desirable about him as he looked at his reflection,mentally preparing himself to work hard to make himself more attractive.
'Then maybe even jungkook will like me!' he thought
'Yes I will keep trying till I am good enough..I will try my best to impress jungkook and everyone else ' he sighed,
'I will try everything...I want to fit in..I have to' he said his voice weak as a Tear slipped down his eye again.
'Jiminah come for dinner' jin called from out of the door
Jimin held his stomach very tried and hungry,
But called out
'I am not hungry hyung'

Not knowing any of the consequences of his words jungkook was stuffing his cheeks with food as jin informed them that jimin was not eating with them today.
'Really?..but he didn't eat lunch as well....weird' Tae said.
'He must have had snacks of something'
jungkook thought but shrugged it off and continued eating .
Unaware that his small hyung was suffering and crying as he went to bed on an empty stomach.


Jimin is perfection and anyone who can't see that is blind
Take care 💜

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