3. Our charming little prince

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Somehow I made it to the car to be escorted to the dorm .I didn't feel like participating in the excited chatter of the group as we head home .
I felt soo lost and miserable, all the fasting and practicing seemed completely meaningless to me
What jungkook said must be what the army are thinking .
Maybe even they hate me.
Maybe they think I am not good for bts
That I am dead weight.....dragging the group down with my looks
I feel my face burn and eyes get glossy....'NO don't cry !!crying is for babies' I internally scolded myself
"Hey jimin you did't say anything till now...all ok? ' Tae asked as I looked up i saw the members all looking at me expectantly
'I am sorry I was not listening i am very tried just want to get home......' I said to avoid anymore questions
'But we have practic-' namjoon hyung started .
'Jimin can just catch up later.' hobi said
'Oh I forgot about the practice I am cool i don't have to be exempted ' I said
'Honey if u are not well u should rest' jin said
"I am ok ' I fake smiled at them. I noticed how Tae and namjoon hyung looked at me with concern and immediately turn to face the window, willing myself to not cry now.


AT DORM (before practice)


'Minnie..what's wrong ' my mother asked me with concern. I called her wanting to just hear her voice...but I didn't want her to worry.
'Nothing eomma just...wanted to talk to you before practice.' I say.
'Minnie...I know you like the back of my hand..you are my baby and I know just by hearing your voice when you are not your usual cheerful self...is everything OK?' She asked as I blink back tears.
'I am ok eomma..just very tired..' I say, I was not really lieing, I was exhausted..
'Baby promise me you will take care of yourself...and don't let anything hold you down..just do your best and be happy ok? I love you and I am so proud of my sweet son ' she said.
Tears fall continuously as I say..' I love you too..'

Just as the members started leaving for practice namjoon asked to talk to jimin for a few minutes..
'You guys go ahead..'namjoon told hobi and jin who waited for him,before Turning to face jimin
'Jiminnah u don't have to come if u don't feel well...after all, u know the choreo better than all of us just take rest' Namjoon said concerned about Jimin.
'I am good hyung and there are some changes in the choreography which I have to learn ' jimin replied ready to leave
'Jimin.....' namjoon made him turn around my holding both of his small shoulders .' I know you are upset,I can clearly see it on your face....what jungkook said,u know he doesn't mean it...he is just a small kid not thinking of anything don't feel bad over it ok???'
Jimin looked at namjoon 'no no I don't feel bad hyung after all he had to pick someone last so he choose me its alright,' jimin said with a fake smile that namjoon could easily see right though
'You are our charming little prince jiminah and Bts is nothing without you.....you complete us and we all care about u ok? If you are sad dont just bottle it up , talk to us...anyone of us and we will deal with it together' Namjoon said patiently, Taking time to comfort and reassure his Band mate who he loved like his own brother.
'I know hyung i know...thanks' Jimin said with tears in his eyes as he stared at Namjoon who just nodded.
'You know I don't give hugs that often but I feel like we deserve one now after all that talk ' namjoon said with his classic dimple smile as he speard his arms.
Jimin giggled with teary eyes as he hugged Namjoon feeling a little better, the taller squeezed a little tighter before letting the small boy go and cupping his cute cubby cheeks .
' Now come on u cute little mochi we have a practice to go to' namjoon said happy having cheered up jimin. He didn't like the idea of his Band mate suffering alone...
Jimin giggled 'u know hyung, even though u break stuff and sing horribly in the shower ,you are still the best leader for us' jimin said
'Awww.....hey I can sing beautifully!!!'namjoon said frowning
Jimin laughed 'ya right...and I am the tallest member of bts'
'Want me to prove i can sing??'
'Ohh pls don't!'
'Ohhh my ears!!!!' Jimin laughed as he ran to practice.
Feeling greatful to have such understanding and loving friends.

Hope you like it

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