9. The changes

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Just wanted to confirm that this story is now set in 2015 time.....

Things were different in bangtan for a while now...at least from jungkooks perspective...jin started saying so many dad jokes..some very fun but most of them just made jungkook want to die and take jin with him(just kidding he loves jin).
Namjoon hasn't broken stuff in a while now and Is super busy writing and working on the new album. When he isn't working , he is reading or spending time with jin.
Yoongi has insomnia and is just super cranky because of it, sleep was everything to him afterall, he was now all moody and even hoseok can't cheer him up
Not that hoseok was in a condition to cheer him up anyway....hobi was ill and to see the sunshine aka the powerhouse of bts down was very devastating
Tae was quite now since his grandmother passed and was going through depression, his usual goofy self was long gone .

But the most shocking change that jungkook couldn't help but notice was jimins attitude towards him
Jimin now rarely clings to him infact he barely makes eye contact with the maknae...he just works and works till he can go home....not talking much to anyone and not eating anything to an extent that jungkook was seriously worried Bout his health. Sure, his dance had gotten much better and more elegant. His voice, more defined and flawless. But Jimin was different, the boy he saw now seemed like a shell, Hollow and a little lost. The full pretty eye smile and cute giggles were now just a distant memory. Jimin now didn't initiate any physical contact with jungkook and sat far from him during fansigns and interviews. He had infact been more close with jhope and namjoon recently and that aroused an uncomfortable feeling in jungkooks chest which he refused to acknowledge.
Jungkook found himself constantly looking jimins way to see what the smaller was doing..missing his undivided attention but too stubborn to even admit it to himself.

'Here you go hyung...'jimin said as he handed a hot cup of coffee to the sick hobi who sat on the floor of the practice hall with his eyes closed. The younger had taken upon himself to nurse his roommate back to health.
'Oh thanks jiminah I don't know what I will do without you ' hobi said great fully.
Jungkook watched as jimin smiled at hoseok before patting his head and rolled his tongue against the inside of his cheek. He also faked a cough and got jimins attention for a second before Turning back to go sit next to jin. He glared at jimin, willing him to look in his direction but all in vain.
'Where is tae ?' Namjoon asked worriedly, he had always had a
Weak spot for v ,and thought v needed more attention since he was more soft as compared to jimin and junkook .
'He is in the washroom I will go get him' jimin said as he went to get tae causing jungkook to huff in annoyance.
After a while both of them came back with swollen faces and red eyes clearly after crying.
'You good tae?' Yoongi asked
V nodded as jimin backhugged him
'Need anything hobi hyung?' Jimin asked
'I am feeling very cold i think I will go back to the dorm ' hobi said as he tried to stand. He got up shakily and almost collapsed , but yoogi caught him just in time .
'I dont think you should go alone hopa!'he said
'I can go with you ' jimin said as he held hoseok 'bye hyungs ! See you at the dorm! Take care v!'jimin shouted. He looked at jungkook and nodded Slightly before quickly turning away.

Jungkook felt a twitch of annoyance....
No 'bye kookie!'
No 'see you tommorow jungkookah!
No 'I want to go home in jungkooks car!' No 'I am waiting for jungkook!'
And on top of that he says bye v??? Take care only to tae! He even says bye to the hyungs.
He said bye to everyone except jungkook....he just couldn't help but pout.
Its been over a month since jimins change in attitude towards him! And everybody was acting like they didn't notice this change (to add to jungkooks irritation).

But it was so hard not to notice how jimin went form always throwing himself at jungkook to always ignoring him.'did something happen?' Jungkook asked himself .

Jungkook sighed confused with his own feelings...isn't this what he wanted! For jimin to treat him like the rest! For him to stop clinging to him like a sick puppy.
But why does he miss having jimins attention
why does he feel angry when jimin gives his attention to tae and hobi !
He watched in frustration as jimin smiled at something hobi said .
"Damn jimin and damn his cute eye smile!" Jungkook thought shocking himself
'Did i just think jimins smile is cute?' He questioned himself .

It was at this point that jungkook realized that he was thinking more about jimin now than he ever had. Constantly worrying about jimin..grumpy when he didn't get attention and pouty when he noticed jimin spending all his time with the other members. Irritated when anyone touched jimin in anyway for more than a few seconds. He remembered how he almost pounced on a camera man jimin was talking and laughing with.

The realization shocked him..since when was jimin his centre of attention..he didn't know, why was he feeling all these things..and what is the meaning of all these emotions? Everything was a mystery to him now.

He was distracted by a sudden sound.
And looked at the direction of the distraction to see jimin giggling As he changed out of his black Tshirt to a white butten up shirt briefly exposing his smooth milky white skin and tone back muscles.
'Wah!!jiminah you look like an angel in that white shirt !' Namjoon said looking up from his work (distracted by jimins beauty) and jimin blushed annoying jungkook further.
'Of course jimin hyung is adorable..he looks like an angel..why is rapmon hyung stating the obvious?'
Jungkook unconsciously mumbled, but then smiled as he looked at jimin helping hoseok again with a sweet smile on his doll like face...
'Woah...he is actually glowing!' Jungkook noticed, his mouth open as he watched mesmerized while jimin pushed his hair back.
Yes....he did look like an angel and a very sweet little one at that.............


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