Chapter-13 Miss Independant [E]

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Taverron Business Building

It was Monday morning as Annie maneuvered her Mercedes SL500 into the reserved private parking space conveniently attached to the T-building. It was a beautiful shade of gold with a black leather interior.  

Since dropping off her Range Rover into the local dealer last week right after her run-in with Julien's Porsche, Annie's been using her second car for means of transportation.

She loved her SL, it was her 24th birthday present from her parents last year. Sometimes, depending on her mood she liked using it instead of the Rover. It was fun to drive, smaller, faster, and sleeker. During the warmer temperate months it was her personal pick because the best part was when the top came down.  

Gathering her keys and handbag, she checked her rear view mirror and spotted Sonny and Cici parking in the empty parking spot next to her. She made her way to the main entrance that connected the parking structure and the building as Michael and Cici followed behind her.

Her ankle felt much better after lounging around all day yesterday, she tried not standing on it much, allowing it to heal. She barely limped while wearing her high heels. Glancing down at what she was wearing—a tight knee length pencil skirt, deep colored gold blouse and a short, waist length, leather/fabric jacket with specks of gold weaved into the fabric in the back. The ensemble was chic with a business type flare.

All three entered the elevator, Michael pressed the 30th floor button.  They occupied the highest floor which came along with some of the richest views of the city.

Annie, Cici and Michale stood next to each other straight across from the elevator doors watching the numbers light up for every floor they passed. Annie quirked an eyebrow realizing that they looked like well trained soldiers, standing side by side, tall, straight, but wearing their business attire instead of uniforms.

"Dad will be here in about an hour, he had a conference call in his study he had to conduct. Don't forget the St. James' will be here by noon." Cici reminded them, tapping her watch. "Once they see the offices, dad said he wanted to take them out to lunch, so be ready for that as well."

"Who's all coming? I mean is it the whole family or just the the old man and his son?" Michael asked curiously.

"It's probably Victor, Duncan and Julien. I hardly doubt Kate or her daughter are coming with them to look for corporate space." Annie supplied while looking at Cici who was rolling her eyes at Michael.

Cici turned her head, "Yeah, it's only the guys, like Annie said." Changing the subject she asked, "Sooo, does Sheila have a dress already picked out...? I didn't get a chance to ask you or her yesterday."

Cici being the nosey person she is, she couldn't help herself, she wanted to know everything.

"Yeah, she's been looking here and there for the past few months. She told me she was going to call you and Annie to help her narrow down a couple in order for the dress to be made in time."

"We're going to have to pay whoever she buys the dress from extra to have it done by March. Dresses always need changes and adjustments, always...besides that, you guys need to pick out flowers, color schemes, place settings, menu..." Annie trailed off.

"That's where you and Cici, mom and her mother come in. You guys help her pick all that stuff, knock yourselves out, and I'll worry about where the honeymoon's going to be." Both of Michael's eyebrows rise suggestively and sends both his sisters a wink just as the elevators doors opened.

He made his way out the doors while hearing them call him perverted behind his back. He smiled to himself while whistling toward his office. Annie and Cici split up as well each going in the direction of their offices.
Annie was behind her desk typing up the last parts of her report. She looked at the clock on her desk, 11:45am. Taking a sip of her latte, she completed her report a few minutes later saving it. Closing her lap top she sat back in her chair closing her eyes.

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