Chapter 37-Worth It [E]

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"Thank you all for coming today for this great cause.  Would the last eligible lady for this evening please come on the stage?"  The crowd applauded the speaker. 

Annie calmly and swiftly appeared on stage, the glare of the bright spot light momentarily blinding her.  Walking toward the auctioneer, the light silky flow of her light peach dress flowed around her legs while softly trailing the floor.  It was a little nerve wracking appearing in front of a stage of familiar faces and strangers.  But as always Annie executed herself in high class and strong determination, never showing her true emotions. 

"This beautiful young lady is Angelica, she is twenty-five, single, chief operating officer of T-Enterprises, a liscensed nurse practitioner, has a degree in both biology and business and speaks five languages....Now who would like to spend an evening in the company of this smart, and highly talented, lovely young woman?"

The auctioneer peers out to the audience.  "Starting bid is $20,000.  Do I have a bid for $20,000?"

The audience started to get rowdy as bids were shouted out, bidding paddles up in the air and quickly increasing. 

"Anybody for $500,000?  I have $500,000!"  The auctioneer shouted in the mic, pointing to a gentleman.  The man was wearing a grey suit, with dark brown hair, broad shoulders, and cold-hard eyes.

"$1 million!"  A voice called from the crowd. 

Annie's eyes widened in surprise.  Squinting against the bright spotlight she tried determining the bidders location but there were too many cluttered men seated.  In addition, the lights were dimmed in the audience, making it even harder to make out the many faces. 

"Well gentlemen, we have some high rollers in the house it seems! 1 million dollars, Going once-"

"2 million!"  The man in the grey suit said in a deep manly voice, while holding up his bidding paddle.  His features were harsh and uninviting.  He made Annie want to look away from him, as goosebumps involuntarily rose on her arms, making her feel colder then she already felt.

"3 million!"  The mystery man said speaking up.  Annie still couldn't see his features, only hearing his voice. 

"I have 3 million dollars going for an evening with this beautiful woman.  Going once, going twice-"

"3.5 Million dollars."  The grey suited man said aloud. 

The crowd went silent as they watched in awe while the two men fought to win the bid. 

"5. million. dollars."  The mystery man said confidently, lowering his bidding paddle.  Hushed whispers rippled through the crowd breaking the silence. 

Many couldn't believe what they heard and neither could Annie as she turned her head to the auctioneer who was stunned silent, not believing his own ears but quickly collected himself.  The gentleman in the grey suit looked angry but backed down in defeat.

"5 million dollars, going once, going twice! Sold!  5 million dollars was raised today in one auction.  Once again the proceeds will be donated to charity for one date with this fine woman.  Will the winning bidder please step forward?"  The auctioneer boomed loudly into the mic. 

The mystery mans silhouette quickly formed as he came closer and closer to the stage.  He was wearing a light blue suit, white pristine shirt, his eyes were a sky blue with dirty blonde hair.  He was handsome as he smiled slightly at her while holding his cellular phone up to his ear. 

"I am the bidders messenger, Lucas.  The true bidder is on the phone.  The gentleman would like to remain anonymous. A check will be electronically sent to the charity fund if you could please give me the routing information."   Lucas explained in all seriousness to the auctioneer. 

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