Chapter 20-First Kiss [E]

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Julien couldn't believe his eyes of the vision kneeling in front of his office door.

Time stood still as he watched Annie, the woman who constantly consumed his every thought, and overwhelmed his senses. He had many sleepless nights due to his obsession with her.

His heart swelled inside his chest, a feeling he has never felt before.

She didn't look up as she struggled to gather the paper work in the file. Coming down on his haunches he clasped her cold hands in his, stilling her movements. She stiffened and ever so slowly looked up at him from beneath her long lashes.

A deep blush covered her face as he tilted her head up to his eye level.

He stared deeply into her dark blue eyes and pulled her up with him as he stood up tall never breaking eye contact. "Come in please." Pulling her with him into his office. Collecting the remaining paperwork from the floor, Julien trailed his gaze down the hall to see it anyone witnessed them.  But the halls were empty.

Closing the door and locking it, he turned to her as she watched him closely.

Walking to his sleek desk, he reached for a remote and pressed a button.   A moment later, the glass turned opaque, blocking the view from everyone on the main floor and ensuring them privacy. Annie glanced at the windows and her eyes widened. He placed the remote back and turned, approaching her slowly giving her a small smile, his gaze heated.

She stayed rooted to her spot as he took her hand and pulled her towards him.

Placing a finger under her chin up to his gaze. "How have you been?" He asked her softly. Holding her close to his body. She was stiff in his arms, wanting to ease her tension he started rubbing her back as his arms circled around her.

"Um...much better..." She replied in a small voice. Slowly her muscles started to relax to his touch as he brought her fully against his chest. Her hands slowly relaxed from their tight grip as she flattened them against his upper shoulders.

"Good..." Quirking an eyebrow at her. "So you're the messenger with the paperwork, I was expecting somebody must be my lucky day..." Cupping her cheek.

She smiled and nodded.

Julien pulled her tighter to him and hugged her, his head in the crook of her neck. The light perfume she applied tickled his senses as he inhaled.

He kissed her racing pulse and smiled as she tilted her head slightly to the side. Finally she started to relax and loosen up. Each time they became intimate she accepted him a little easier which he was glad for.

"Thank you for the roses, they are beautiful." Pulling back to look at him.

His eyes twinkled in happiness. Bending down to place a light kiss to her nose he rested his forehead against hers.

"Beautiful roses for a beautiful lady..." Now his nose was touching hers. "What is your favorite color rose?" He asked, wondering if she liked what he chose, but for the future he would be certain to order her favorite color.

A big smile highlighted her features. "The deep pink color you sent me are my favorites." She answered. Julien's eyebrows rose, he couldn't believe it. Annie placed a sweet lingering kiss to his cheek. "Lucky guess, huh?" She teased pulling back.

Her kiss was sweet and genuine, and it made him want more.

"I'm glad I got it right the first try..." He winked, making her laugh.

Her kiss alone almost managed to unhinge him, her laughter consumed him, making him feel like he won first place in a contest. A small shiver worked it's way down his spine, his eyes closed briefly as he relished in the pleasure that her touch brought him.

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