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Elise watched as the maids fussed about her. She didn't really talk to them but they were still nice. Nicer than her last maids. These maids for some reason wanted to serve her. She didn't understand why though.

They were pretty good though. They constantly asked her if she liked whatever they were doing and made sure to be cautious when working with her.

She felt the last strong in her dress being tugged. She was finally all dressed. The routine of castle life sometimes confused her. She had to get dressed up before dinner. Before the big change it was far more casual and relaxed.

"You look amazing your highness, " one of the maids gushed as they watched her stare at herself in the mirror.

Make up was a fascinating thing. It could take her from appearing as an insomniac student with messy hair to something completely different. It amazed her.

Her self appreciation was disrupted by the horde of girls grabbing her and dragging her out of her chamber. She followed them for quite a while until they released her at the grand stair case.

She looked down to see Revion staring up at her. She couldn't quite make out his emotion with the distance but he seemed impressed, just as she was.

He ran up towards her as she walked down.

"You look absolutely stunning," he told her looking into her eyes.

"Um thank you," she replied nervously as he walked up to her.

"Don't be nervous. You survived a ball. This is less formal. More relaxed and you'll be with me," he said intertwining their fingers.

"People just make me uneasy—" She tried to reason with him and guilt trip him into taking her back to their room. There were far better things they could be doing than being stared at and and silently judged.

He placed a finger on her lips.

"None of that tonight. No more self degrading. You are my brave little mate."

"Mmmh hm," she mumbled, unable to properly talk.

He was pretty certain of what her mumbling was. All self denial or frustration with being silenced.

"No defiance Elise. I'm not taking my finger off until you give me a nod and promise not to talk yourself down tonight," he said.

She nodded softly and he slowly removed his finger from her lips.

"Now no more self degrading or I will make you greet and make small talk with everyone at the table," he warned her.

"No that's not—" She whined.

"Just follow my one rule for the evening and you will be fine. Talking yourself down is going to take away what confidence you do have. Lauren even recommended I take you to something called a therapist. I'm still catching up on modern terms," he said.

"I dont need a therapist," she said shaking her head with a small laugh.

"Is it bad?" He asked concerned at why she didn't want a therapist. His friends had recommended that she could need one just to talk out her issues but if she didn't want it... did it scare her or was it bad? Was there some sort of stigma involved?

"What? No! I just dont want to talk to a stranger about my problems because I dont have any," she declared.

"Sure sweetheart," he laughed kissing her forehead. She was just going to deny it all. She believed nothing was wrong with her. He was sure there were a few small issues. Specifically trauma and an incredible unease around people.

He could only laugh as he led her through the maze of a castle to the place she had been dreading.

She felt nervous. It was just people but at the same time she could tell they were all important people and that made her even more nervous. What if she embarrassed him or herself. Of course she would embarrass herself it was the only thing she was good for.

She felt another smaller hand wrap around hers and she looked up to see Lauren in front of her.

"Evening Elise. It was about time he managed to drag you out of that room. Come the boys need to be put in their place," Lauren said dragging her off.

She glanced back at Revion and saw him walking only casually behind them.

'Help please,' she mouthed at him but was abandoned by him.

Why did Lauren have to drag her? It was drawing attention to her. The expensive big dress, her small size, arriving with the king and being the queen already drew enough attention to her.

Lauren stopped at the table with no warning. Elise felt her feet stumble and she nearly crashed into the ground.

"Tell these two nut heads that they cannot sleep in my room. I don't car is I have the tv it is unacceptable," Lauren huffed.

Elise glanced at the two and more or less hid behind Lauren.

"Aww look how shy she is," Justin said.

Elise felt her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

"Really? You can't even tell them to move out of my room," Lauren sighed.

"I-I can't order them to do that. It might upset them," Elise whispered.

"Aww look at that Lauren I guess we are staying," Chandler grinned.

"No you are not. Lauren's room is Lauren's room. You're going to make her extremely grumpy and angry if you push it," Revion said.

"Thank you," Lauren grinned. "Now start educating her to stand up to these buffoons. I need another girl in my corner."

"But it might upset them if I go against them," Elise said.

"They need to be put in their place silly. That's what us girls are for. If you dont put them in their place they will run wild and chaos will ensue," Lauren said.


"You don't understand because you only deal with Revion. He is good and mature. He has common sense. They do not," Lauren said.

"Lauren we are far more mature than you make us out to be," Justin argued.

"You two imbeciles can't even stay in your own beds for one night!"

Revion sighed leading his mate to two thrones at the table. She sat down in hers, feeling dwarfed by the size. She could feel the pillows under her that were meant to boost her up slightly.

She had thought ordinary werewolves were tall compared to her but Lycans were something else. The throne was not constructed with her size in mind.

It was fairly easy to see why she still got away with eating on the kids menu at some restaurants when she went out for very special occasions. Too bad that everyone would now know who she was and therefore her real age (which was not under twelve).

"So um Lauren why do you let them sleep in your room?" Elise asked quietly.

She looked at Revion for affirmation. She was trying to talk to Lauren and socialise.

She saw his lips curve into a small smile. She felt her heart begin to jump. She felt happy that she was making him happy even if it was just by doing something like talking.



Thank you for all your support and for dealing with the long wait. I struggled to think of how to write this chapter because it is kind of important in Elise's development as a character. She is very reserved and quiet and does not like people much so her slowly talking to others is a huge step for her.

Quick question:
If you could make any law what would it be?

(It doesn't have to be anything serious it can be something fun and selfish. For example having your favourite celebrity marry you, considering it's just for fun.)

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