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The teenage Omega lept in fright for the ten thousandth time at the sound of the thunder striking and the bright flash of light that shocked her eyes through the black of night surrounded in total absolute darkness.

No matter how long it had been she could not get accustomed to the sudden flashes of light. She was jumpy and alert in fear. Any sudden sound, disturbance or other change in environment threw her off completely.

The stippled stripings of rain was vividly painted in her mind by the sound of its torrenting as it slapped hard and constant, again, again and again. It's harshness was felt unrelenting against every surface.

It slipped through the branches and refused to slow its pace, tempo or force as it slammed the dirt ground lifting soft liquid mud like the droplets falling from a leaking tap into a basin of water. The only difference was that the rain was hard, constant, never ending, infinite, pounding, relentless and with zero mercy for anything in its path as it flew down like piercing arrows or darts, flying down in showers and piercing their targets, slamming in and breaking the surface.

She felt terrified and alone, she regretted her impulsive decision entirely. She felt as if death lurked around every tree, through every branch and even every droplet of rain that pittered and pattered and stroked her skin and splattered in the runny slippy muddy ground beneath the bare soles of her feet.

The feeling of the smooth soggy dirt swallowing her feet was not pleasant as she slipped each of her feet out as she navigated the unkempt forbidden lands in the pitch black of the night.

The only light she had was the lightning that left her momentarily blinded for its entire duration, doing nothing to help her.

The shivers of fear and cold made her shake. She hated herself for agreeing to that dare that had caused her such feelings of terror, fear and anxiety. There was no good that could come. The best outcome was making it out with her life, if she even made it out seeing as she was terribly lost in the night.

What was the worst that could have happened to her if she refused the dare? Being alone and friendless because she was too shy to enthusiastically go up to people and force her way into their friend groups? She was used to that after all. That was better than being fake. That was better than being trapped in the middle of nowhere, alone and terrified, with death surrounding her.

For all she knew a rogue could have been right behind her in the dark, slowly following her. Slowly creeping behind her. Slowly stalking her. Slowly waiting for the right moment to pounce on the helpless Omega.

She swung around at the sound of a branch cracking beneath a paw just as her feet reached more solid dirt and she came face to face with a pair of gleaming eyes. She had only seen a rogue once in her life, during the incident that took her parents from her.

Staring into it's crazy, blood thirsty, animalistic eyes the terrified Omega was paralyzed with fear, on the verge of fainting.

It's crazed inhuman eyes swept over her terror stricken form. Her hands trembled as memories that she had tried to suppress found themselves creeping and her hand broke through the ice long enough to hold the pendant on her neck. The pendant that housed the image of their happy smiles so she could never forget their faces.

It was terrifying for the girl to state her worst nightmare in the face. Its eyes reminded her of blood. Her blood would be the crimson staining its teeth. Its teeth would break her-

The horrid snarls broke her from her iced state and she stumbled back in fright, fear and shock as thunder blazed across the darkened sky called night.

"I-I-I'm not tasty!" She stuttered taking shaking uncalculated steps backwards in the dark.

She whined and whimpered in pain like an injured wolf as she felt back over a rock that dug into the back of her foot and scraped down to where her heel began, letting small hints of blood begin to flow, only enticing the rogue wolf.

Elise tried to get up but she could not, her body felt so sore from her fall and her foot refused to help her as she whined and yelped in pain, falling back down in a bundle.

She felt the rogue's breath above her leg and she pulled it, just in time for it to miss and she trembled as she crawled back. Tears swelled in her eyes as she felt her hand slip off the back of a cliff.

The rogue advanced closer and she heard crumbling and her eyes went wide.

She heard the rogue leap but it was too late as she went falling down, screaming.

Her arms flailed as the current swept her in some direction and it forced her under making her somersault and hit her body on rocks before she could surface and gasp for breath with water burning the insides of her nose.

The water shoved her back under and she stumbled around and around again, the current pushing her fast and hard. It shoved her into anything and everything it could that was not dry land.

Her arms grabbed a rock as soon as she was slammed into it and she pulled herself up and gasped as air flooded her lungs.

Her body was I'm agony and she could feel the raging currents and splatters of rain across her back as thunder roared and she clutched onto the rock for dear life.

She could not see a thing and it terrified her. She knew nothing of what could lurk in the waters. What could lurk in the trees. What could lurk anywhere. All she knew were rogues. Rogues were dangerous and one had nearly killed her.

She panted in exhaustion as she was forced to keep her head from slamming into the rock and breaking her skull open as it pounded over her like a veil being swept over her only that was a comparison far far far too gentle. The waters were something she could only compared to movies where there were huge storms with massive shipwrecks. Where waves ripped ships in two and dragged people under as their ginormous waves and strong currents raged and inflicted chaos and unimaginable destruction.

Her arms released the rock as the waters rose over her and she was desperate to breathe and she swam up, fighting with what little strength she had left to stay alive.

Her arms managed to find a branch during their floundering and she hugged it tightly, hanging on as she was swept away with the current.

Her night dress clung to her petite injured form as she coughed up and spluttered water from her lungs.

She felt the pull strengthening and her body brushed onto a rock for a second as she began to register what was happening and decided that she had two choices, abandon the log and swim and be swept over or cling to the rock and be swept over.

"Oh please don't let this kill me," she muttered through panting breaths as she clung to the log and was pulled by the current.

For a second she suspected her suspicions were wrong and then it came.

Loud screams were elicited as she stopped in air. The violent flooding flow that shoved her was no longer present and then she felt the horrifying drop.

Her arms clung to the log as her eyes squeezed shut, anticipating her doom which grew nearer and nearer through the stilling time in the dark that left her clueless as to the passing of time and yet not at the same time.

Her hair was flying up in the air as she plummeted the long drop down. It waved around madly in the storm going counter to normal.

She could feel the hard rain against her and time went slow dragging on before that terrifying climax, the second she collided hard with the water

The feeling of the water slamming hard against her, curving to her for a second before falling. The impact was so hard it felt as if the water were solid brick and with a final elicited scream it all went blacker than ever before.

Her consciousness disappeared in a cloud of mist, dust and smoke and she went limp on her log, holding on loosely as the violent currents dictated her path, shoving her limp body under, tossing it around and then throwing it up for mere seconds at a time.

She was a rag doll without a consciousness to act on as the water played with her flopping limps. She was moved like a puppet on a string, the rough waters having it's fun with their newest unfortunate victim. She was dragged through their tides by the violent ripples of the surface and the stormy raging winds that swiftly conducted their behaviour.

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