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Elise sighed as Revion ran his fingers through her hair as she lay in the bathtub her body covered in bubbles.

"A little to the right," she muttered as his fingers kneaded her scalp.

She sighed in pure bliss as his fingers pressed down on the right spot.

Revion was not on the receiving end of the massage but he too felt bliss. Watching his mate in the bath was amazing. He was able to be respectable though. He had yet to see her naked body. She was covered in bubbles, which meant there was a degree of privacy but still she looked absolutely radiant.

The candle lights danced on the snow white skin making him want to caress it and watching the part of her that disappeared below the bubbles made him desire to see more. He could not help that he was tempted. He was only a man after all. A man who had his beautiful mate undressed in the bath.

The way her body disappeared into the bubbles and concealed itself from his eyes tested him greatly. It was difficult for him to not ravish her there and then like the animal he truly was. He wanted to slip his hands under the bubbles and please her.

He however knew nothing about her wishes or expectations and restrictions. He did not know how she liked to be touched and where. What were her preferences? How gentle did he have to touch her? Did she even want to go further? What if she did not want pups?!

He stared at her like a helpless little pup forcing himself to practice patience and restraint for his mate. He felt like a pup being punished or denied its favourite sweet.

"Revion I-I want to get out," she whispered.

He wanted to whine in displeasure that his precious and prized time of what he could get of intimacy with his mate had to end. He however kept his mouth shut not wanting to seem weak and helpless before her. He was a King. A King had to show some restraint and power even around his Queen.

She let out the water and he grabbed a towel. He forced himself to avert his eyes as he picked her up in the towel and placed her sitting on the bath mat.

She dried herself and he took her clothes and dressed herself in them. He then put her gown on her and lifted her up opening his eyes.

He carried her to the bed and sat her down on it with her legs hanging off the bed.

He stood in front of her. His arms were out and she held them as she got to her feet to practice walking a little.

She could walk without him but it was a precaution for if she were to fall. He was happy that she was recovering after just a week. He however did enjoy her depending fully on him for every little thing. It made him ecstatic to know how much she needed him.

"I'm going to let go," she said.

He whined internally like a whipped little puppy. Without her touch the tingles of pleasure would be gone.

His heart clenched with sadness. Was it a sign that she wanted to become independent. Was it her way of telling him that she did not want him to carry her, hand feed her, brush her hair and bath her anymore? He loved doing those things.

He loved it when she responded to his head massages in the bath. It was not like she actually allowed him to massage her or touch her body any lower than her shoulders, besides when she got a leg and foot massage. So the small moments he did get were prized and precious.

He did not want his mate to become independent. What was next?! Would she want to sleep alone? Would she begin denying him those sweet kisses that he had become addicted to?

He watched as her legs walked. They were clumsy and weak. Her face contracted in pain. He felt sad to watch her suffer. It made his heart twist around in inconceivable pain to see the girl struggle.

He grabbed her waist and plonked her back on the bed. He could not bear it anymore. Her pain was too much for him.

"Hey! I was walking," she protested.

"Regina you show pain when walking. I don't want to see you in pain. No walking until there is no pain," he decided for her.

"I just wanted to get out of this room Revion. I'm bored out of my mind-"

"You are bored of me?" He asked worried and vulnerable.

Did she not want him anymore? He was only trying to look after her.

"No I am not bored of you Revion. I need to do something. I am bored when you are not here. I need to be busy," she said pleading.

"But you cannot leave without me escorting you, regardless," he said.

She was too precious to lose. He was rebuilding his kingdom fast and it would create enemies. She would be unable to defend herself.

"Please just a change of scenery for a bit Revion," she pleaded again.

"Elise you need to rest. You are injured and fragile and the snow might be too cold for you. I don't want you getting sick," he replied kissing her forehead.

"I am not a pup. A little snow won't hurt me," she muttered.

"Please just rest when you get better we can go in the snow and do whatever you find entertaining there," he said.

"Fine," Elise sighed admitting defeat.

A compromise was better than nothing.

"Thank you for understanding," he smiled down on her glad that she could see the reasoning in his decision.

"I love you," he whispered in her ear.

"I love you more," she giggled as she playfully kissed the tip of his nose.

"You missed," he growled playfully.

"Maybe I was teasing you?"

"I don't like being teased little one. I guess I'll have to show you how to properly kiss," he said smirking.

He leaned down and slowly touched her lips with his and she could not put up am once of resistance against the sinfully delicious lips of her mate. They devoured the rose coloured petals of her lips with slow, deliberate, deep and passionate movements.

She could not deny that he knew how to properly kiss her. If kisses like those were what he returned her teases with then she would gladly tease him all day long.


So I am sorry but I had to take down this chapter and put it up because there was a problem with the reads and they would not update. I know that doesn't seem like a problem and it isn't exactly but it just really annoys me when there are like 19 votes and somehow only 4 reads.

One Night In No Man's LandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora