Chapter 21

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Ford's POV:

I left Dipper with that note and left the attic to head to the kitchen where Stanley and Mabel were. Dipper didn't follow me though, I guess he needs to collect his thoughts.

I entered the kitchen and found Stanley and Mabel arguing about something.

"It isn't right Mabel!" Stanley shouted.

"But he's clueless about it all!" Mabel shot back, "It doesn't even matter!"

I walked in between them and slightly separated the two, "Please calm down you two." I instructed, "If you're arguing about the pancakes, it's fine. We'll probably end up going to Greasy's diner any way."

"This has nothing to do with pancakes Sixer!" Stan shouted, "And what was that about our cooking?!"

I looked over to Mabel who also seemed angered about the comment I made about their food.

"N- nothing!" I replied, and quickly changed the subject, "But then what were you two fighting about?"

Stanley sent a death glare at Mabel and crossed his arms, "I don't understand why Mabel is acting like Dipper is her servant!"

"I already told you he's okay with it!" Mabel shouted.

"He's obviously lost his marbles Mabel!" Stan shouted back and exaggerated his arms out, "You didn't think of telling him that his way of thinking is wrong?! Or telling us sooner?!"

"He WANTED it!" Mabel shouted, "You wanted me to make him unhappy and more unsatisfied than he already was?!"

"CAN IT THE BOTH OF YOU!" I shouted to shut them up and sighed, "What's done has been done, we can't change the past."

I looked over at Mabel, "Mabel, you should've told us about what was wrong with Dipper sooner. Whatever spell he was put under has only gotten worse over the years because of your recklessness."

Mabel's face grew angry and clenched her fist, but then took a deep breath and calmed down, "Sorry." she said, not seeming to care all that much, "Wait a minute, what spell?"

Oh right, I haven't told them what's wrong with Dipper.

"It's just a theory, though I'm ninety nine point nine percent sure about it, but I'm convinced that Dipper has been put under some sort of spell that causes him to think and act the way he is."

"Is there a cure or any other 'voodoo' magic you can use to fix him?" Stanley asked.

"I'm not sure," I replied, "But I have an idea that just might work. I need time and preparation though, so it'll take some time. For now, I think we should play along with Dipper and do whatever fits him."

"WHAT?!" Stanley yelled, "We should be trying to change his mind about the whole thing, not encourage him!"

"I know," I replied, "But for my plan to work we need Dipper to trust us. He wants us to think that he's completely normal, so if that's what it takes for him to trust us, we'll have to act that way. So that means Mabel, you'll be Dipper's quote on quote 'master' so he doesn't flip out about not having one."

"YES!" Mabel exclaimed and punched the air.

"Hey guys." a new, tired, voice entered the room.

We all turned around and saw Dipper rubbing his eyes and yawned, "What's for breakfast? Or are we still eating burnt Stan-cakes?"

"They're not burnt!" Mabel shot back.

Suddenly, I started smelling smoke and looked at the stove. "Stanley, the stove!" I shouted.

He quickly turned around to turn it off and saw the, now burnt, pancakes him and Mabel had made.

"So much for that idea." Stanley commented with a grumble.

"Don't worry! Dipper makes the best pancakes!" Mabel said, "He can make some for us!"

We all looked at him to see what his reaction would be. Dipper just shrugged emotionlessly, "Yes ma'am."

"Excellent!" Mabel exclaimed as she clapped her hands cheerfully, "I'll get us some plates."

Dipper got some ingredients and started cooking for us, not seeming to put in much effort. While Mabel got the plates, Stanley and I sat down at the table.

"I don't like this," Stanley grumbled, "This isn't right!"

"I know, we need to play pretend though." I told him, "But as long Dipper's ok with it, it's fine."

Stanley sighed and nodded, agreeing to go along with it.

I looked over to Dipper as he mindlessly worked at the stove.

"Dipper, my boy, what is going on in your head?"

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