Chapter 1

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I slowly slide my baggie sweatshirt over my head and move my arms through the arm holes. I investigate the mirror, looking over my clothes. I had baggie black sweats, a baggie black sweatshirt, and black worn-out converse. I pull my hood up around my face hiding my short light brown hair and dark brown basic, dead eyes. I was just a basic girl with no curves

I turn around and pick up my backpack. Heading for my bedroom door and slowly opening it peering down the short hall. Once I see no one I make my way down the hall for the front door, I turn the nob to make my escape out the door leading to school. 

'My escape' 

It was only five-thirty in the morning, it was still dark out, and freezing cold with the cold air. I've made this walk every day since freshman year, the cold never stopped bothering me though. It was an hour walk from my house to the high school. I lived a bit out of town and my adoptive parents Lisa and Jim castoff, does not want me to ride the bus. He says I need to exercise because how fat I am, and I believe him. That is the reason I stopped eating. I hit town sighing as I have ten minutes left of my walk

Soon I find myself at the school, it was about seven-fifteen and there was little to no students here yet. I walk onto the property and head for the school doors, as soon as I enter, I feel the warm air hit my cold body. I shiver a bit and head for my locker on the other side of the school. I pull my hood down farther and open my locker once I get to it

I pull out my books for my first four periods, I shove them into my bag then walk off to my first class. History, I love history. I love learning about people's pasts and how they overcome them because for me I could never overcome my past. They say a past makes you who you are today, but what does it make me if I have a dark past?

I sit in my normal seat in the back where no one can see me or bother me. Most of the teachers forget I even exist, same as the students. It makes my life easier, no one to bother me and no one to dig around my business. Honestly, school is my safe place, well other than my bedroom. I also have no friends because it would mess up everything

No friends equal no secrets being spilled and spilled secrets always leads to pain. Sometimes it's physical pain, sometime it's mental pain, and if you are really unlucky you get both. It's good to keep your head down and stay out of people's business and their drama. There is a balance that should never be destroyed, because of its destroyed then there's always consequences

I sit as the bell rings and people start to show up, I watch as all the familiar faces sit at their normal tables. The smart kids, the cheerleaders, the jocks, the gossipers, and even the normal. Then me in the back, the outcast. I always laugh at calling myself an outcast because my last name is literally Castoff. Ironic, isn't it? Even god knew I was to be out cast

The teacher soon walks in closing the door behind her. She walks towards her computer and sits down; she took the first five minutes of class looking around and seeing who is here and who is missing. Not long later she starts the class, and everyone gets out their stuff for notes. I write down whatever is written on the bored. This class is one of the easiest classes I have, which is nice

I push my glasses back up my nose as I head out of the class. I had waited for everyone to leave like always and continue my way to English class. I move in between all the students that are stopped in the hall or on their way to second period. I keep my head down watching around me as 'friends' hug and catch up before turning for their classes

I do not believe anyone is really friends or 'in love', because we are all in high school and most of us are going to forget each other once out and in the real world. I know I will not remember any of them, but then again, I do not even know any of their names. I just know their faces, most of these people I have known since freshman year. Like what is the point?

I enter my next class and take a seat in the back next to the window in the far corner just like every day. It is the same thing, go to school, attend my classes, and then go home to the place I call 'Hell on Earth'. I hate the place, but it is where I live and the only place I can go. Also, I cannot leave, they would just find me. They always find me

Even after high school, I will never be able to leave. They can't take care of themselves, they may work, but when at home it's different. I do the chores and the cooking. And in return I get beaten or verbally abused. I do not feel the pain anymore, or at least I try not to. They feed on weakness and fear, you cannot show weakness. You will always die

998 Words

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- How do you feel about what little you know on Gracie's 'new' life?

3- What would you do if you were in her shoes?


Republished date- May 28, 2021

~ TheDevil

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