Chapter 8

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I felt my breath get knocked out of me, but I jump up as quick as I can before turning around and running again. I held my shoulder as I ran for the woods opening, I was so close. They were still shooting, but it was starting to fade as I entered the dark woods. I went a ways in before stopping and sitting down by a tree. At this point I couldn't hear them, which was a good thing. I quickly pulled off my hoodie to see the damage

I was wearing a black tank top and sports bra underneath my big gray hoodie. I had on oversized gray sweats, if anyone saw me right now they would see the scars I had on my upper arms where I was shot in the left shoulder and I had some scars on my back. I pressed the sweatshirt to my shoulder, the bullet was stuck in my shoulder. I stopped moving when I heard branches snapping and voices whispering

"She has to be around here somewhere" it was a females voice

"Did you see her? She was shot and still got up and ran" another voice whispered. I pressed myself more into the bark of the tree, I could feel it cutting into the skin

"Yeah I did. Is she supper human?" As the voices got closer I realized it was Ashley. My legs were just out In front of me, if they walk by they would see me

"Maybe a high pain tolerance?" It was also Mesa with her "Hey look" they found me

"Hey" I heard a voice call out softly "We really don't mean any harm" I didn't move. 

'Yeah right, your friend shot me' 

"Is she dead?" Mess asked "Hey are you ok?" When I didn't answer after a minute they quickly rushed over to me

"Oh my god" I had my head leaning on the tree and a blood soaked sweat shirt over my left shoulder "I'm so sorry, Call Tyler" I started freaking out. 

'We're they going to finish me off?'

"Already calling my brother" there was a pause "Mason we found her.... Yeah she's bleeding badly.... I'll send you the location" she hung up and messed with her phone before looking back at me

"Let me have a look" Ashley kneeled in front of me and reached out, I flinched "Hey it ok, I just need to check it. I'm a doctor in training" she said softly

I hesitantly nodded and let her take off the sweat shirt from my shoulder and look at it. 

'Why was I letting her touch me?'

Quickly she started ripping up my hoodie and then tying a bandage type deal around my shoulder and lifting my arm in a makeshift arm holder. She looked down at my arms and then studied my face, I watched as a sad look came over her face. She was probably looking at my bruises and scars

"Hey. Over here" Called out Mesa, Ashley stood up quickly. A familiar face started walking towards me and I flinched when he reached out

"Careful Tyler" Ashley says "I think she's been abused" I snapped my head to Ashley

"What do you mean?"

"Those people in there" she pointed towards the house "Her parents I'm assuming have abused her" she said softly "Just look at the bruises"

"Fucking bastards" he growled before looping his arms around my body and lifting me up. I started fidgeting in his arms "Hey, hey, calm down. It's ok" I whispered in my ear for only me to hear. It did the trick because I relaxed slightly in his arms

"So what's your name?" It was Nash who asked, this guy wasn't much of a talker. He still talked more then me though. I stayed quite

"she needs to stay awake until we get her to mom" Ashley says looking at my shoulder

We had walked back to their cars and I was laid in the back with Ashley as Mesa got in the driver seat. I felt so exposed, everyone could see my scares and I was bleeding everywhere. My head was on Ashley's lap, I could feel my eyes slowly start to drop and sleep begged to take over my body. I've never wanted sleep so much in my life, I hated sleeping really. 

Ashley wouldn't let me fall asleep no matter what and I was growing angry and tired. I knew they didn't know who I was, but I knew who they were. I had learned many things about them from listening to other students. And now I knew they were in a gang, it honestly scared me. 

'What was their plan with me? Help me and then kill me?'

So many questions were running through my head. Finally we came to a stop and Ashley moved from under me to get out, and soon I was being pulled out and carried by a guy I didn't recognize. He carried me into a building that looked similar to a hospital, but it was to small to be one. I had only gone to the hospital a few different times in my life, that I could remember. Soon I was laid in a room on a soft bed, definitely wasn't a hospital. The bed was too comfortable

"Alright what's going on?" A older lady came into the room not long after the guy left "Oh god" she rushed over to me "Mind telling me what happened?" She said to the girls before removing my ripped hoodie

"We went to go collect money from this family and she was hiding on the roof, long story short one of the idiots shot her and here we are" Mesa said, I hissed as the lady put something on my open wound

"Your lucky it wasn't any lower on your shoulder or farther to the right" the lady told me as she started working on my shoulder and I cried out

"Mom" Ashley said softly "She was abused" she choked out and her mom snapped her head to her daughter


"Her parents abused her" the lady began to look over my bare arms

"Well these are self inflicted" I froze

1028 Words

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3- How old do you think I am?


Republished date- June 11, 2021

~ TheDevil

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