Chapter 12

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I had found that I could crawl out my window and sit on the roof, so that's what I've done. I'm sitting on the roof at two in the morning, it was peaceful. I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around my body looking up at the stars. Most of the bruises are gone, but the scares will forever remain. Scares to remind me how weak I am, to remind me to ask the same question. Why am I still here?

They wanted me to start school again, wanting me to finish the school year. I don't know what I'm gonna do, they can't know I'm the ghost girl, at this point I'm not sure why I don't want them. I think I just want to have something that is mine that I don't have to share, I really don't want them to know anything about me. It would be easier for everyone if they just left me alone, they should have just left me to bleed to death in the forest. They should have.

I sat on the roof for the next four hours thinking and staring up at the stars. Eventually I climbed back into the room just as the sun started to come up. I changed into some different clothes and slowly walked down stairs. Maybe if I left early I could get to school, blend in, and they wouldn't notice. No one was up yet when I left the house, I slung my backpack over my shoulder.

I still had about thirty minutes before anyone else arrived, the halls were empty. Not a student in sight, though I have seen a few teachers. I had my hood up and it covered most of my face, I pulled my locker door open and picked up my books. I leaned on the lockers for a couple more minutes until students started to show up, I made my way to class. I sat in my normal seat

'please go by fast.'

Ashley and everyone else never showed up to school today, which was kind of odd seeing as Ashley was excited to come back. The girl had a weird love of school, she was just weird in general, but I can't judge. I walk out of the school and start my way towards Ashley's house, maybe they had something come up. Who knows, why should I care? I stroll up to the front door and unlock it with the spare key that was given to me.

I pulled my hood down and went to walk up stairs when I heard yelling, I froze. I always hated when people yelled because when people yelled I always got hurt. I turned around and listened closely, it sounded as though it were coming form the kitchen. I moved towards the kitchen and stopped when I heard the familiar voices. Ashley, Mesa, Tyler, Mason, and Nash. They were yelling about me.

"I don't know where she could have gone" Ashley sounded frustrated

"She must have left sometime last night" Mesa added


"She was here at your house so you could keep an eye on her, how could you let her leave?" Tyler sounded angry

"I was asleep Tyler" Ashley growled back

I had heard enough and quietly made my way up the stairs, I entered my room, and dropped my bag on the floor next to the bed. I opened the window and crawled onto the roof, maybe I could think. Why did they care so much? Why was I so special to them? I don't need a babysitter, I don't need someone to watch after me. I've been doing that just fine on my own. 

'Why can't they leave me be?'

"You had everyone worried you know" I open my eyes and look at the head peaking out of my window. I looked away

It was Tyler. How he knew I was on the roof confused me, why was he in my room. He sighed when I said nothing and I looked away from him. I could hear him start to crawl onto the roof before taking a seat next to me, I held my breath as he looked out at the sky next to me. I took a glance at him and saw a peaceful look on his face before it turned cold. I scooted away a bit out of fear.

"We thought you ran away" he began "Where'd you go?" He questioned this time looking at me, I just stared at him. How was I gonna tell him I was at school? I didn't I have my notepad

778 words

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1- What was your thoughts on the slightly improved chapter?

2- Do you think Gracie will try and speak to Tyler?

3- Could you really blame Tyler for getting angry at Ashley for letting Gracie out of her site?


Republished date- June 14, 2021

~ TheDevil

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