Chapter 12

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Hailey's POV

When I ended work at the bookstore around 7pm in the evening, I headed straight to the supermarket to get some groceries. I swear to god the fridge is emptied every 2 days despite the huge amount of stuff I bought every time. That guy's a big eater and of course, me too. I just finished paying for everything and I was about to take out my wallet to get my card to board the bus and I realised that my wallet was missing. I started panicking, oh shit. 

I ran back to the supermarket with all the bags in my hands and I could feel my arms burning in soreness but I could not care much. All I care was my wallet. Not because it had money inside but it was the wallet itself. It was a gift from my mother before she got sick and I had been using it for at least 3 years. I had to find it at all cost. 

I was asking around whether if the cashiers at the counter had saw my wallet but all denied. Feeling dejected, I was just about to head out when a voice interrupted my thoughts. 

"Miss, is this your wallet?" I looked up, a man around his early or mid twenties was holding my wallet in his hands and I was so excited for that moment that I clutched his hand in gratitude, feeling thankful that I got my wallet back. 

"Uh, aren't you going to check if you had any missing stuff in your wallet?" the guy asked me again when he saw that I was so absorbed in hugging my wallet. I smiled sheepishly at him, "As long as the wallet is found, I don't really care whether there's stuff missing. Thank you so much for returning the wallet." Realisation hit me hard and I realised that I was still clutching his hand with my wallet that I quickly released him. 

"Sorry, I got too excited upon reuniting with my wallet again. Thank you once again." I managed to take a good look at him. He's about 6'0, with well defined features. Overall, he looks pretty hot but I would say that Xavier looks better. I swear I'm not into him or anything, just some honest thoughts. 

He shot me a grin which shows one side of his dimples and I almost wanted to poke it because I'm a total sucker for dimples. "You're welcome though, but it seems like you care about the wallet itself more than the contents inside." 

"Yeah, because this was a gift from my mother. Of course I would cherish it and also it's not like I had lots of money inside so there's not much to steal anyways." well that's a fact because just imagine how much can someone with 2 part time jobs have in a wallet. Even the wallet itself cost more than what I have inside the wallet right now. 

He saw the bags of groceries that I was carrying and he offered me a ride home which I politely declined. He had already returned my most precious item and I couldn't let him send me home which will be too much for me because I kind of dislike owing others a favour. Especially for someone whom I have just met. But he insisted and he took away like 4 bags of my groceries before I could even snatch them back and was walking off towards the direction of his car and I was literally running behind him because of short legs problem. 

"I just realised that we've not introduced ourselves yet. My name's Caleb Williams." He stretched out his hand, waiting for me to shake it while we stopped at a red light. I shook his and introduced myself, "I'm Hailey Baxter, nice to meet you and you just saw my embarrassing side." we both chuckled at this and we managed to talk quite a bit before we reached Xavier's house or rather The Castle. (I forgot to add descriptions of the house when Hailey first moved in but the house is actually big as hell so yeah heheh sorryyy) 

I wanted to invite him to stay for a meal but apparently he had some work to do so he had to leave so we bade farewell to each other before I went into the house and started preparing for dinner. 

It was already past 10pm at night and Xavier was still not home yet. I was hesitating whether to call him or not and I've decided to do so. However, the line was not connected and was sent to the voicemail. Feeling frustrated, I hung up the call and decided to wait for a while more. An hour passed and there was still no news from him. Just when I was about to ring him up again, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and Xavier almost fell flat on his face but I managed to catch him before he does that. I swear I need to work out my biceps because in times like this I need a pair of stronger arms. 

I thanked the driver who had sent Xavier home before I shut the door with my foot. I could feel my legs giving out on me when I had to shoulder his full weight. Ok, I've changed my mind. I need a full body workout. I literally had to drag him to his room and I was so thankful that his bedroom was on the first floor. Upon reaching his room, we both landed on the bed with a loud thud and for a moment I thought his bed had cracked. I had to throw his arms away from my shoulder before I could stand up. I took a glance at him and his work suit looks pretty uncomfortable to sleep in so I was hesitating whether to undress him or not. 

Unbuttoning his buttons, I closed my eyes and looked away while I fiddled with his clothes and tried to put them on. After struggling for about 15 minutes, I was finally done changing him with my eyes closed. I then headed out to get some pills and a glass of water to place it by his bedside. After clearing up the dishes, I went back into my room to rest. 

End of chapter 12!!! I was so surprised just now because the number of viewers went up from 21 to 33!! thank you all for reading it!! 

just wondering, what is your horoscope sign? I'm an Aquarius teehee

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