Chapter 19

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Xavier's POV

When I saw Sabrina's face at the restaurant, my heart stopped. I didn't know whether it was because of the fact that she was back or the fact that Hailey was with me. Looking at her face, the memories came flooding back into my mind once again from 6 years ago... 


Today was our third year anniversary since we have started dating and I was planning on giving Sabrina a surprise tonight. We had been living together about a year ago since her family was living in Korea as she's a half Korean and half American. I wanted to look after her because I love her. 

I had bought several of her favourite dishes from her favourite restaurant and of course a bouquet of roses to celebrate our third year anniversary. As soon as I unlocked the door, I found that the house was pitch dark and I could hear some faint sounds coming out from one of the rooms. I didn't want to make a sound as I thought that there might be a burglar or some sort doing in the house since the house that we bought was near the central business district, which could be prone to burglary at times. 

I headed towards the bedroom since the sound was supposedly to be coming out from there. The moment I opened the door, the sight of it made my heart shatter and of course, followed by anger and disappointment. Sabrina was seen to be naked with another man on the bed and by the looks on her face, it was anything but forced. Both of them had their eyes widened at me, while Sabrina fumbled off the bed, clutching the bed sheets close to her chest. 

My mind went blank at the moment and I didn't know what to say. But Sabrina came up to me and sobbed, "Xav, I swear it wasn't anything like what you have seen. I can explain." my fists clenched tightly, with my fingernails digging harshly into my palms. I turned to her with a calm look, "Then, explain. I'm listening." She seemed to be shocked at how calm I was since she wasn't making a single sound, while the guy was busy dressing up himself and ready to sprint out of the house any moment. 

"I-I wasn't in my right mind when I did that. I had a fight with my parents this afternoon so I went drinking at the pub, that guy started hitting up on me so without hesitation, I- I brought him here." she continued sobbing which I would have consoled her if it was last time. But now, I could only stare at her as if she was a stranger in my eyes. I heard the door opened and closed, signalling that the guy had left but I couldn't be bothered much. 

"You could've told me about it, like what you've always done. I am always here for you, didn't you know this since when we are dating? Or I should say were dating?" her eyes immediately shot back up to me, with endless tears streaming down her face. 

"No, Xav. Trust me, this will be the first and the last time. I will not do it again." surprisingly, what angered me wasn't the fact that she cheated on me but the fact that she gave her virginity to a random stranger when I've been telling her that we will only make love the moment when we get married. Looking at her face right now just breaks my heart little by little and I could feel a sting in my eyes. I love her, no I had once loved her. But now, I wasn't sure anymore. 

"Let's end this, Sabrina." my voice came out stronger than I thought. If this was in the past, I would have called her Sab, but now I don't think I want to call her by this endearment. She shook her head continuously, pleading me, "No please, Xav, please. Don't do this to me. It was just an act of immaturity. It won't happen again." 

"But had it ever crossed your mind that you had a boyfriend who's willing to give you his everything, who's waiting for you to come home and celebrate the third year anniversary?And it might have been a better excuse to say that you were intoxicated but you weren't and you were just happily fucking him on the bed which was once ours, in the house which was once to be called ours too." I didn't want to continue, because I would have lost control. 

"It's all over now, Sabrina. I will leave this house to you but from now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. And by the way, happy third anniversary to us." I grabbed my jacket, left the house and walked back to my car which I had let it all out. The night where everything was over. 


When she asked me who Hailey was, I didn't want to tell her that we were married because it had nothing to do with her. Over the years, I had realised that Sabrina was a greedy and jealous woman. I had been blinded by the love I had for her because I thought she was someone who had a kind and pure heart, who didn't want anything back in return when she helped others. But hell, I was wrong. Just because she had a broken family, she thought that by having lots of money would get her the happiness she wanted. I had only realised all of that when we broke up, I know, I'm probably the biggest fool on earth for loving someone like her. 

I could see Hailey's face visibly dropped when she heard how she was just a 'friend' to me. Did she mind about our relationship? Either ways, I'm gonna explain it to her later. Moreover, I was planing to confess tonight but right now is not the right moment. Sabrina then took a seat beside me, which made me incredibly frustrated. Hailey should be sitting beside me right now. 

Hailey suddenly stood up and then excused herself to the washroom which made me want to chase after her. But I didn't want Sabrina to sense out anything, I wasn't sure if she was going to do anything to Hailey. All of a sudden, her voice broke me out of my trance, "How have you been, Xav?" hearing that nickname out of her mouth makes me want to gag.

"Doing real great, especially after you left." I emphasised on the part where she left to show her  that she was no longer important in my heart. What she did after that shook me completely. She stood up from her seat, moved towards me and kissed me right in the lips. Before I could shove her aside, she sat back down with a satisfied smile on her disgusting mouth. I was so gonna rinse and wash my lips when I get home. 

Hailey then appeared with a worried looking face and her phone clutched tightly in her hand, she grabbed her bag and wanted to run out of the restaurant but I grabbed her wrist and asked her in concern, "What happened?" 

"Hospital, I have to get to the hospital." it came out more of like a whisper. Without any words, I led her to my car and started the engine. 

End of chapter 19!!! I'm trying to speed up this book before school starts so there may be some parts that may be briefly described so please bear with me :(((( I'm just worried that I won't be able to update anymore after school starts so I'm trying to do it as fast as possible 

thank you for the 105 reads!!! <3

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