Chapter 16

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one of my favourite song that I would listen to when I'm writing this book :))) do give it a try if you've not listen to it before 

Xavier's POV

There was a whole pang of jealousy boiling in me right now. Since when did they know each other? Why was Hailey doing here as a part time waitress? Why do they look so close together? Since when was Caleb so friendly with a girl?  There were so many questions in my head but no answers.

Caleb probably saw my confused face so he explained to me, " We met at the supermarket, I found her wallet and returned it to her so we sort of talked a bit yeah. And also, I had long forgotten that that was your house because I didn't visit you ever since you moved house because I'm a busy man as usual." he purposely stressed on the word busy. Tsk, what a brat. Busy my ass, coming to my company every afternoon is not something that a busy man would do. 

While I was lost my thoughts, they were happily chatting away like I was invisible which I coughed loudly to show them I was present. Why are they talking as if they haven't seen each other for so long and why does Hailey look so happy while talking to Caleb? Urgh. Hailey then excused herself, saying that she still had work to do. I was grumpy for the rest of the night because of the endless questions swarming in my head. I wasn't a fan of parties but after seeing their interaction made it even worse.

I couldn't wait til the party was over before I made up an excuse, saying that I wasn't feeling too well and I was heading home. I immediately fished out my phone and called Hailey, hoping that she had not leave the restaurant yet. Thankfully, I spotted her outside of the restaurant standing at one corner. I tapped her on the shoulders which as usual, she jumped. I then pointed her to my car before we drove away from the restaurant. 

When we reached home, I couldn't hold in my questions anymore. 

"Why did you take up another part time when you already have 2 jobs?" she didn't seem to be surprised at my question, judging by the looks of her face. She calmly replied, "I apologise for not telling you in advance but it was only for tonight. I took it up because my friend was sick so I had to fill in for her." I could finally somehow feel a bit relieved at her answer but I was still jealous at the interaction between her and Caleb. Yes, I'm jealous. You didn't hear it wrongly. 

The jealousy I felt tonight made me confirm my feelings for her even more. I didn't like it when she's talking happily to other guys and when other guys are looking at her with those lustful eyes of theirs, making me want to rip their eyes out if possible. To be honest, I wasn't even like this when I was with her years ago but Hailey made me feel this way. Something I've never felt before. 

I snapped out of my trance when she started cough slightly and followed by a sneeze. "Are you sick?" concern was laced in my voice. Did she overwork herself? 

I went to the kitchen and filled a glass of water for her. Our finger brushed against each other slightly and I could see her blushing a bit. My lips started curving upwards. It wasn't a smile, more of a smirk. Is she feeling the same thing as me right now?

She mumbled a small, "Thank you." before she took a sip of the water. We sat in silence for a good 10 minutes before we headed back to our rooms separately. 

Hailey's POV

I felt bad to be lying to him but I didn't want him to find out about my mother's condition. He would definitely give me money and would not want me to pay him back which I won't accept it no matter what. He had already lent me 3 million which I'm still trying to save up and pay him but I had only managed to save about 2 thousand dollars. 

When our brushed against each other when he passed me the glass of water, I could feel my heartbeat soaring sky high. I was about to get a heart attack at that moment. Time to cue the song heart attack.

After spending 1 month living with him made me changed my opinions towards him. He was nothing like what the news had always described him. He was the opposite of a cold, cruel, ruthless and money-oriented man. He was caring, kind and filial towards his parents. That's probably one of the reason as to why I like him so much. yes, I like him a lot. 

Something that I wish to tell him in person someday. Hope the day would come soon. 

End of chapter 16!!! also, happy Valentine's Day!!! spending this day to write a sweet chapter weee 

have a good day ahead!! 

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