Memory 11

396 11 1

February, 1998

"So that's it?  You're just going to ignore me and go off on your own?..  Seriously Abella?  Look at me."

Eden's head whipped around to the boy standing beside her, clearly upset by the choices she made yesterday.

Going to help Harry and the people who don't care about her.  The people who claim to be her friends but leave for weeks without even calling or checking up.  The only people Eden talked to on a daily basis was her parents and Draco, but somehow he still occupied more time than her own family.

"I'm looking Malfoy!  My answer is still the fucking same.  Doesn't matter if I'm looking or not.  You're literally standing here yelling at me because I want to help my soulmate.  If Astoria were in this kind of situation you're telling me you would leave her to die because that is basically what you are asking me to do with Harry-"

"Listen to me!"  He gripped her forearm tightly and pulled her closer to him so that he could remind her of the power he had.  "I'm not telling you to let him die.  I am telling you not to get involved.  The last thing you need is to be buried 6 feet deep."

"Thank you for your concern, but I think I'll take advice from someone who calls me by my first name-"  Eden ripped her arm out of his grasp and threw the bag she was packing over her shoulder, but with a sudden swing Draco grabbed the bag and threw down to the floor.

In an attempt to intimidate her, he grabbed both of her arms now, rendering her defenceless.  She couldn't grab her wand, she couldn't move her hands.  She was now powerless, staring up at him with fading confident eyes.  "Maybe now you'll listen to me.  You are NOT going."

"What are you really going to do if I go?  You don't own me and you can't control me.  The moment you leave this place I'll go."

"You'll regret saying that-

Eden's eyes opened suddenly and the feeling of her pounding heart was enough to get her wide awake in only seconds.

She was not home.  This was not her bed and not her room, rather her apartment.  She fell asleep on the bloody couch of the safe house.

On the floor right beside where she slept was Fred, who was the only one who cared to speak to her last night.

Harry was busy in the study writing down lists upon lists of people he might reach out to, supplies that were needed for a potential battle and food supply that would last months had they really needed it.

The reality of this was beginning to set into her mind.

This was really happening...

A war was eventually going to break out, it was just a matter of who threw the first attack.

Ron followed everything Harry told him to do.  He was like his very own puppet.  If Harry needed water he came running down getting it for him.  If Harry needed food he did the same thing.  Harry needed paper?  Oh, Ron would get that for him.  It was like a constant cycle which Eden failed to realize when they were not so stressed out about Voldemort.

Ginny did not dare step close to Eden, which was a good thing because if she got close enough Eden was sure to rip her hair out of her head without any regrets afterward.  She was surprised she hadn't already done that to Harry if she was being quite honest.

Placing one foot down onto the cool wooden floor, her eyes diverted to the small window which faced the front of the house.  The sun looked to still be hiding.  The sky was dark, blue almost black.

Useless | Draco MalfoyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang